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– Attempted gun snatcher gets threeMagistrate Susanna Lovell, on Thursday, sentenced Kevin Williams aka “Black Boy”,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, 25, to four years’ imprisonment – two years each on two counts of larceny from the person.On September 26, 2009, Williams stole one cell phone valued $90,000 – property of Feaz Ali, and on October 3, 2009,Wholesale Jerseys, he stole one LG Motorola cell phone belonging to Alicia Archer.Williams, who was unrepresented,Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, pleaded not guilty to the two charges and made an application for bail, he told the court that he did not commit the act; hence he is being wrongfully accused for the offence.However, Police Prosecutor Melville Jeffers objected to bail on the grounds of the evidence against the defendant.The prosecutor told the court that on the days in question, Feaz Ali and Alicia Archer (virtual complainants) were in the vicinity of Stabroek Market, when the accused snatched their phones and made good his escape on foot.Jeffers indicated that the police were alerted to both occurrences. He added that the defendant was arrested and charged, when the latter incident occurred.And appearing before acting Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry, yesterday, at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court, was Devon Shaw, who was charged with attempt to commit a felony.It is alleged that on Monday,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, last, the accused attempted to steal one .9mm pistol, property of Bank of Guyana. The defendant, who was unrepresented pleaded guilty to the charge.According to Police Prosecutor Lionel Harvey, a security guard was on duty in front of the bank on the day in question,Cheap Jerseys From China, when the defendant walked up to him and tried to take the gun away.Harvey said that a scuffle ensued and the guard with assistance from another colleague managed to subdue the man and arrest him. The Prosecutor noted that the police were informed of the incident and the defendant was arrested and taken into custody.Magistrate Beharry sentenced the defendant to three years’ imprisonment.Also appearing before Magistrate Beharry was Dexter Morris, who was charged with making a false declaration under the Guyana Citizen Act.It is alleged that the defendant was issued with a Guyanese passport on January 4, last, under the name Leon Andrew Clarkson,Cheap NFL Jerseys, for the purpose of travelling.The defendant, who was unrepresented pleaded guilty to the charge.The prosecutor told the court that after the accused was issued with the passport, he travelled to Barbados.Harvey said that at the Grantley Adams International Airport, the Immigration department noticed that the document appeared to be false,Air Max 2018 Shoes, since the holder of the passport was using another name.Harvey added that the defendant was deported to Guyana and handed over to the Immigration ranks; subsequently the accused was arrested and charged with the offence.The Magistrate sentenced the man to three months’ imprisonment and he is to pay a fine of $20,000.

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