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發表於 2017-10-16 04:27:27 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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One hundred and nineteen (119) pupils will now have the right to call themselves the first students of the Turkeyen Nursery School after a $19M building was commissioned yesterday in the compound of the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE).The event saw the attendance of a large number of parents and residents of the Turkeyen community, along with teachers from various schools and current students of CPCE.Minister of Education Priya Manickchand enlightened those in attendance that in the school system there are over 1500 teachers,Wholesale China NFL Jerseys, adding,Discount NFL Jerseys, that 67 % of those individuals are trained.Minister Manickchand assisted by two pupils of the school cuts the ceremonial ribbon.“I have seen untrained teachers do fantastic work and I need to acknowledge that, but more likely your children will get the best education if we train more teachers,” Manickchand said.She also noted that today there are more trained nursery school teachers available.Manickchand added that to date, there are 328 discrete nursery schools and a total of 161 classes where nursery students share schools with higher grade students in one building.The Minister further stated that Guyana has recorded the highest level of nursery education in the region. She said that the ministry is working daily to find innovative ways to teach children at all levels.Manickchand announced that Turkeyen Nursery will be one of nine nursery schools to be part of a new programme called “Roraima Readers”. This will be a continuous assessment which allows pupils to read at the nursery level.The Minister also disclosed that since the establishment of the school’s feeding programme,Cheap Jerseys Supply, the ministry has recorded an increase in school attendance.According to a release from the ministry,Cheap Jerseys Online, Assistant Chief Executive Officer (Nursery) at the Ministry of Education,Jerseys From China, Ingrid Trotman, outlined the history of nursery education in Guyana and how it evolved over time.She also referred to the fact that Guyana, using a comprehensive curriculum, is currently leading the Caribbean region in nursery education.“Today we can boast of a curriculum that caters for the holistic development of young children. This means that not only do we cater for their cognitive development,NFL Jerseys Store, but also for the physical, social and emotional as well as moral development.”Meanwhile, two of the school’s pupils joined the Minister in cutting the ceremonial ribbon to the new building while persons in attendance were given a tour.

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