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Cheap NFL Jerseys GGMC









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發表於 2017-10-16 06:12:16 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Ministerial Task Force on Trafficking in Persons recently conducted a ‘Trafficking in Persons Training Course for Frontline Officials’ at the Guyana Police Force Officers’ Training Centre,jerseys from china, Camp and Young Streets,Participants and presenters from the ‘Trafficking in Persons Training Course for Frontline Officers’ conducted by the Ministerial Task Force on Trafficking in PersonsEve Leary, Georgetown.The training course featured 37 participants from the various Regions representing the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, the Guyana Police Force’s Criminal Investigation and Immigration Departments, Guyana Defence Force, Ministry of Social Protection,China Jerseys, Community Policing, Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.The objectives of the training course were to equip local stakeholders with information regarding the nature of the crime of trafficking in persons; functions of the Task Force; services available locally,cheap nfl jerseys, how to identify, assist and refer victims; and best practices for investigating the crime; create a network for exchange of information among frontline officers and other stakeholders in different regions of Guyana who may come into contact with potential cases of trafficking in persons’ and garner information to make the Task Force more effective and efficient in its operations.Ms. Tanisha Williams-Corbin, Coordinator (ag) of the Counter-Trafficking in Persons Unit, Ministry of Social Protection commenced the training course with a presentation on ‘The Definition of Trafficking in Persons’ and presided over the Case Study Interactive Exercises. Mr. Oliver Profitt, Coordinator (ag) of the Technical Arm of the Ministerial Task Force on Trafficking in Persons presented on the Task Force’s functions,Cheap NFL Jerseys, activities and plans.Task Force Member Mr. Neil Bacchus, Chief Executive Officer, Indigenous Peoples Commission,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, presented on the role of his organization in the fight against human trafficking and participants from the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) performed a skit which displayed the experiences of Mines Officers in the field.Additionally, presentations on ‘Victim Identification, Referral and Assistance Training’ and ‘Investigative Skills Training for Human Trafficking Investigations’ were delivered by Inspector Fiona Harris of the Guyana Police Force’s Immigration Department and Woman Constable Ranata McBean of the Guyana Police Force’s Criminal Investigations Department, Major Crimes Unit based on information received through training from INTERPOL.In 2017, the Ministerial Task Force on Trafficking in Persons intends to target other relevant entities, such as the Judiciary,Cheap Jerseys From China, Media and the general public in its coordination of similar Training Courses and implementation of sensitization initiatives as it seeks to increase the effectiveness of the Government’s efforts to tackle the scourge.The Task Force remains committed to collaborating with all stakeholders, local and international, in combating trafficking in persons in Guyana and wishes to extend its gratitude to INTERPOL, the United States Embassy and Task Force Member Agencies/Departments the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission and Ministry of Social Protection, Counter-Trafficking in Persons Unit for their contribution to ensuring the success of the Trafficking in Persons Training Course for Frontline Officials and their unwavering support in the overall fight against trafficking in persons in Guyana.

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