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Cheap Soccer Jerseys the President had related that it is “









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More than $600M has been allocated by Government to facilitate extensive rehabilitative works on the Demerara Harbour Bridge.This disclosure was made yesterday by Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon when he hosted his weekly post-Cabinet press briefing.He said that Cabinet met on Thursday and gave its ‘no objection’ to contracts being awarded for the supply of 2,Wholesale Jerseys,000 deck plates at a cost of $592.7M for repairs to be carried out on the bridge.Further, he noted that some $32.5M has been approved by the Government for the procurement of anchor chains.President Bharrat Jagdeo recently expressed disgust at the deteriorating state of the bridge during an impromptu inspection there.The bridge was commissioned in 1978, and serves as a link between the western and eastern banks of the Demerara river.During an interview with the National Communications Network, the President had related that it is “almost criminal” that the bridge was allowed to deteriorate to such an extent. Several users of the bridge had also complained of the state of the bridge despite the efforts of a daily maintenance team to keep it functioning.And,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, according to the President,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, he had decided to check on the bridge himself after being informed that it was in a bad state.“I am very concerned about the management of the Harbour Bridge, because to allow things to get to that state, it’s unbelievable,” the Head of State had opined.He had disclosed that the management had informed him that they were procuring local decking that lasted for only about six months, even as he lamented the fact that the Government had spent large sums of money in this regard.Following his inspection of the structure,Cheap Jerseys From China, the Head of State had requested that an assessment of what is needed to fix the bridge’s decking be done,Wholesale Jerseys China, so that everything could be put in place.“It’s unacceptable that we allow things to happen that way. I looked at the decking…it’s really gone and…they told me that we couldn’t get these plates internationally. You can get anything internationally.“If it took them six months to buy these plates locally and install them,Cheap Jerseys, then in six months, we can find and import any decking of sufficient quantity and quality,” he had contended.

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