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Victor Fausette, the Police Constable who was shot in the head by a mentally unstable prisoner two Sundays ago,Wholesale Jerseys China, is now responding to relatives.There were speculations that Fausette’s chances of surviving were “slim”, but he continues to show major progress in recovering from the potentially fatal gunshot wound he received.His recovery is being tied to consistent prayers by his mother, who has been bombarding the ears of God with her cries for mercy upon her son ever since the shooting incident,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, and the care given by health practitioners at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.Police Constable, Victor Fausette, smiles in his hospital bedThe wounded cop’s mother,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Marcel Bobb told this publication that her son is coming along well, despite him having a clogged up artery in his right leg, which restricts movement. Doctors have advised that a special medication,Cheap Jerseys, which costs over $90,Wholesale NFL Jerseys,000 for a week’s supply, be bought.She also admitted that he might be having some problems with his memory as he appears puzzled from time to time.When Kaieteur News visited him in the High Dependency Unit (HDU) of the Georgetown Hospital Corporation (GPHC) on Saturday, there were no tubes attached to him as was the case observed during previous visits. Fausette was in high spirits and he pushed himself up into a sitting position to speak with the reporter. He said that he was feeling a lot better but noted that his right leg was feeling a bit numb and he was unable to move it without the support of his arm.On June 7,Wholesale China Jerseys, 2015,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Victor Fausette, of Belladrum, Berbice was shot above the left ear at around 19:00hrs by a “berserk” prisoner, Regan Richards, 18, who had taken away his service revolver. Constable Fausette was attempting to place Richards in the lockups of the Wismar Police Outpost when the mentally ill man attacked him.Nearby residents reportedly heard the gunshot and saw Fausette stagger out of the Police Outpost before collapsing. He was rushed to the Mackenzie Hospital, before being transferred to the GPHC.Richards was subsequently shot dead by a party of policemen who had tracked him down to his home.

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