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Children and adult winners highlighted the Bryden and Fernandes second prize giving ceremony and third draw promotion of their “Grow Well, Live Well with Blue Band,” at Bounty Supermarket,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Water Street Branch, Tuesday afternoon.The Grow Well children winners were Mikhail Agrippa from Golden Grove; East Bank Demerara; Denzel Williams from Albouystown, Ashanna Joseph from Sophia, Khadijah Baksh from Alexander Village,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, Malachi Agrippa from Golden Grove; East Bank Demerara and Noreen Maria Ramjas from New Amsterdam.These “Grow Well” Children won prizes such as a mini laptop, an Ipod Nano, a Nintendo WII, a mountain bike,Wholesale Football Jerseys, a table tennis set and a portable basketball system.“The Live Well” adult winners were Hema Rupnarain from Better Hope, East Coast Demerara; Indra McCurdy from Eccles, Trudy Agrippa from Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara; Parbattie Ramnauth from Diamond,NFL Jerseys From China, East Bank Demerara; and Mary Rogers from Campbellville.The prizes in the adult category were an Oster Food Steamer, a GE Microwave,wholesale jerseys, a 24-inch Indurama Gas Stove and Oven, an Oster Cake Mixer and an Oster Pressure Cooker.Customers had a chance to win these prizes by “simply naming a young person in their life who is thriving on Blue Band.”This was Bryden and Fernandes’s way of incorporating children into this promotion since according to the company, the company is seeing obesity in children today,” according to Marketing Coordinator of the Company, Mark Kendall.He further remarked that the prizes won will “challenge kids mentally and physically.”  He also added that the “items can enable kids to have a healthy lifestyle.”This was in reference to the prizes that can stimulate physical and mental exercises.The promotion would have not discriminated even if there were no children in a person’s household; they could have still won a kid’s prize and could have possibly donated to a child in his or her family or even a child in their neighbourhood.This was to “let everybody be a part of the promotion,Cheap NFL Jerseys,” according to Kendall.Tuesday’s Blue Band’s Third and Final drawing’s prize presentation will be held this coming Friday at the Bounty Supermarket, Water Street Branch at 2:00pm.

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