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Action offensive, provocative and aggressive – Pres. Granger By Leonard GildarieLess than  a week before Head of State, David Granger, makes his maiden presentation to the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, neighbouring Venezuela has sent army personnel and anti-aircraft guns to the border area of Guyana.The Government of Guyana has since described the actions as one of aggression, warning yesterday that its citizens in the border areas to be on the alert.Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidge, disclosed that there is confirmation that Venezuela has also illegally positioned gunboats in the Cuyuni River—considered as a waterway belonging to Guyana.These latest moves by the neighbouring country would follow a number of actions, including the recent refusal to approve a new ambassador to that country.Top army officials in Venezuela claimed that the troop buildup was for “operational exercises”.Speaking to reporters at his Vlissengen Road offices yesterday, President Granger disclosed that he recently received reports that Venezuela has been making “extraordinary” military deployment in eastern Venezuela. That area is immediately west of Guyana.The president was convinced that the deployment was linked to Venezuela’s claims on a large section of Essequibo and on parts of the Atlantic Ocean which belong to Guyana.“…very provocative and we feel that Venezuela is treading on a dangerous course at this point in time. But rather than making a peaceful resolution of the matter, Venezuela seems to be pursuing a very offensive and aggressive course,” the president told reporters.Venezuela leader, Nicolas MaduroForeign Affairs Minister, Carl GreenidgePresident David GrangerThe matter would be reported on Tuesday when the Head of State travels to New York to address the UN General Assembly.On the same day, Venezuela’s President,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Nicolas Maduro, is set to also make a presentation to the assembly.Granger also disclosed that he will raise the country’s concern with various Heads of State at the UN forum, during bilateral engagements.AbnormalThe aggression by Venezuela would have seen “extraordinary…abnormal” activities in recent weeks, President Granger disclosed yesterday.He said that the army personnel at the border area would be mostly marines and gun troops.Venezuela news reported that one of the pieces of equipment is the Pechora M-2 weapon which has the capability of shooting down cruise missiles and stealth aircraft. Photographs circulating on the internet showed the weapons being transported on trucks which are said to be equipped with radars.According to President Granger, relations with Venezuela appeared not to be getting better and would come at a time when Venezuela is embroiled in a major controversy with its own neighbour-Colombia.The Government of Guyana also issued a separate statement on the developments.According to the release last evening, Government received several informed reports of the mobilization of Venezuelan military personnel and equipment on the border with Guyana.“His Excellency Brigadier David Granger has been fully briefed on this development. The Government of Guyana is concerned about this unannounced and unexplained build-up of military forces close to Guyana’s border and waters and is closely monitoring this development.”Venezuela’s army equipment and personnel being deployed to border areas near Guyana.Government warned Guyanese citizens close to the border with Venezuela to be alert to this development and to remain within the borders.“Guyanese in other communities are requested to remain calm as the Government of Guyana continues to monitor this situation and will provide updates if and when it becomes necessary.”The Government statement pointed out that the International community expects that all states would adhere to the principle of peaceful co-existence of states as is enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.“Guyana remains committed to that principle and would regard any act that is not consistent with that principle as a breach of international law that will result in serious consequences. Guyanese are urged to only utilize legal ports of entry into and out of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela if they must travel to or from that neighbouring State.”Operational ExercisesVenezuela’s online news,NFL Jerseys Cheap Authentic, El Universal, yesterday quoted that country’s defense minister,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Vladimir Padrino López as saying that the army was engaged in “operational exercises”.He did not specify the area or the number of troops and equipment involved.“Right now we’re doing an exercise to the east of the country, exercising operational deployment.”He called on “the people of Venezuela to remain calm because we are really getting ready… even with all fronts we are taking today. “The minister also reported that deployments will be made in the Paraguana peninsula.Paraguana Peninsula is in the Caribbean Sea,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, and borders Colombia, Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire.On August 19, President Maduro ordered the closure of some borders with Colombia in 16 of the 23 municipalities following a shooting attack against three Venezuelan military by “paramilitary suspects”.Venezuela is set to receive early next year dozens of Chinese-made military amphibious units, including artilleries. Recently, the Venezuelan leader announced he is purchasing 13 warplanes from Russia to boost his military capabilities.Venezuela’s aggression to Guyana took on harsher tones in May after US-owned ExxonMobil announced a significant oil find in concessions belonging to this country.Maduro reportedly dispatched its patrol ships, issuing decrees that said it owns the majority of Essequibo, the biggest county in Guyana, and even the waters where ExxonMobil had made the discovery.All the while,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, Maduro and Venezuela kept insisting it wanted to keep bilateral relations with Guyana. However,nfl jerseys authentic china, he recalled his ambassador.Coincidentally, Venezuela’s aggressive stance was made known on May 26, 2015- the same day that Guyana celebrated its independence anniversary and when President Granger was inaugurated.The new Government has said that it will not pursue the UN Good Officer process which had attempted to find a resolution to the claims by Venezuela.Rather, Guyana has approached the United Nations with an international court matter not ruled out.Venezuela has already signaled intentions to end oil-for-rice deal with Guyana in November.This country has increased its oil shipments from Trinidad and Tobago,Cheap Jerseys China, reducing its dependence on Venezuela.There are thousands of Guyanese living in Venezuela with cross border trade significant.The border issue with Venezuela has been simmering for more 100 years now.Venezuela’s aggression would also come at a time when that country is preparing for General Elections later this year and amidst food and other critical supplies shortages.The border issue with Guyana and other neighbours of Venezuela has been seen as ploy by Maduro and his party to distract voters ahead of the elections.

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