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Cheap Jerseys Wholesale he was at an official session in GuyanaRecently









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inister of Health, Dr Leslie Ramsammy,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, is hypocritical and is practising Animal Farm methodologies.This is according to Chairman of the Alliance for Change,Authentic China NFL Jerseys, Khemraj Ramjattan, who was commenting on the recent trip overseas by Dr Ramsammy to have a heart checkup.Dr Leslie RamsammyAccording to Ramjattan, the Health Minister boasts of his many achievements in his sector and lauds the many services offered by the hospital and the Caribbean Heart Institute.He said that Guyanese are subjected to the services at the hospital, but when it is an ailment related to him, Dr Ramsammy flies overseas to a more developed country to seek treatment there.Ramjattan also said that there was an obvious hypocrisy in the services offered,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, given that inherent in his actions is the fact that “all may not be well with the services offered.”He said that if the services offered in Guyana were so laudable,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, why would the Minister fly overseas for treatment, presumably at the expense of the state?Dr. Ramsammy recently flew to New York for a general check up by his doctor,Wholesale Jerseys, after he complained of feeling unwell. His condition developed while at home here in Guyana.Kaieteur News understands that Minister Ramsammy left the country on Monday last to receive medical examination for his heart condition.Approximately four years ago, Dr. Ramsammy under went a triple heart-bypass surgery. Since then, he has been taking regular medical check ups.Khemraj RamjattanOfficials in the government said that Minister Ramsammy was recovering and was expected back in the country on Thursday last. Yesterday,NFL Jerseys China, he was at an official session in GuyanaRecently, Leader of the Opposition, Robert Corbin, had complained of chest pains and was medivacced to the US under the suspicion that he was suffering from a heart condition.Corbin, upon his return, broke the silence on the treatment he received.It turned out that it was not his heart. It was diagnosed that his chest pains arose from the malfunctioning of his digestive system, including a dysfunctional gallbladder.

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