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[Wii] Cheap Jerseys Online “the police would just chase people off the road









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發表於 2017-10-16 09:19:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Residents of Timehri have described the atmosphere in their community as depressing, ever since the police increased their harassment of citizens there.Their comments come in the wake of allegations of police brutality against a resident Colwyn Harding, who remains hospitalized.Harding is alleging that he was badly brutalized by a rank at the Timehri Police Station, while he was detained there between November 15 and 18 last year.The house where Harding was allegedly brutalized and sodomizedMany of the residents who spoke to Kaieteur News explained that the community became “hot” after two named police officers came to the district.They added that since the issue over the airport arose there has been increased police presence and intimidation.They however admitted that over the past few months “some unsavoury” characters had entered the community,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, bringing some instability there. The residents said that the police had however used this development to harass community members, especially the young.Several parents expressed fear for their children in light of the alleged brutalization meted out to Harding.A father of two told Kaieteur News that since the Harding incident last year, there has been less police presence.“But before, you couldn’t even walk on the road. Sometimes they would pass and just pull up, ‘hey you jump in the van’, and just so you get lock up; and when you check, you wouldn’t see back de brother till Monday or whenever dem feel fuh let you go.”On other occasions,Wholesale China Jerseys, “the police would just chase people off the road,” another male resident said.Chairman for the Timehri North Community Council, Daniel Fraser told Kaieteur News that indeed since the issue of the airport expansion arose there has been an increase in police presence.He said too that a number of incidents would have also given rise to the police presence. He mentioned the cell phone robbery committed on a Chinese national working on the airport; the break and enter of the Amerijet Cargo Company on the airport and a number of home breakages that were committed on Timehri residents by persons from outside the community.Fraser even mentioned that he too had to be making nightly rounds to protect his home from breakages since criminal activities had upped during the past months. However he said that the situation did not give the police any right to harass villagers.He added that persons in the area would have heard the cries of Colwyn Harding, but they are scared to come forward. One woman,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, he said has information about what took place on the day in question, but is concerned about her safety.The Chairman has however expressed his intent to send out a statement on the matter.Meanwhile, a 13-year-old boy was among several persons arrested by police officers in November last year, when 23-year-old Colwyn Harding was reportedly brutalized and later allegedly sodomized with a condom covered police baton. The 13-year-old told Kaieteur News during a weekend visit to the community, that he was “slapped up” by the police and held at the Timehri Police Station for almost three days without the knowledge of his guardians.The teen, in the presence of his guardian told Kaieteur News on Friday that he had spent the night over at his older brother’s house when the police kicked down the door and rushed into the house located at the head of Fire Station Road,NFL Jerseys Supply, Timehri. He said that his two older brothers,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, on hearing the officers, ran away, leaving him and another eight-year-old brother behind.The teen said a police officer accused him of stealing a cell phone and slapped him several times demanding an answer about the stolen item. After telling the officer that he had no cell phone, the policeman dealt him several more slaps before asking’ “whey de guns deh?”The police had already arrested Colwyn Harding and had him sitting in a vehicle.The 13-year-old said he was then handcuffed to Harding who he knew from the area.He said that Harding was crying,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and had stated that the police had beaten him up.The 13-year-old said that he was given no phone call to his family and it was not until he was seen in custody by the police station cleaner who knew him, that his family was informed that he had been arrested.The child was subsequently released from custody without being charged and without an explanation to his family. Kaieteur News was told that on Wednesday last senior police officers however visited the teen and took statements in the presence of his guardian.

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