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[Wii] Cheap NHL Jerseys and those who were positive were enrolled in the care









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The fifth national Week of Testing was, on Wednesday, launched in Linden, at the Linden Care Foundation, Casaurina  Drive.And Minister of Health, Dr Leslie Ramsammy,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, who delivered the feature address,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, told the gathering of residents and students that by the end of this year, more than 36,Wholesale NFL Jerseys,000 HIV tests will be done.Among others in attendance were Regional Health Officer Dr Pansy Armstrong, Dr Shanti Singh and senior executives of the Linden Care foundation, including its Director Basil Benn.Dr Armstrong noted that voluntary testing and counseling services were offered in the Region from 2005.She said that is the policy of the Ministry of health and the National AIDS Programme Secretariat to reach to all high risk groups.Armstrong said that since the programme started in the region over 15,000 persons have been tested; and those who were positive were enrolled in the care, treatment and support programmes.She added that there is now hope for those tested positive as through the programme persons living with AIDS can now have a better quality of life,nfl jerseys china, they can live longer, and some of them are actively employed, and therefore able to provide for themselves and families.“Most of all, primary care health workers have been trained to be actively involved in the care treatment and support programme, and a large percentage of the staff of the regional Hospital and two district hospitals-Kwakwani and Upper Demerara have been trained in varying activities of care treatment and support.Voluntary counseling and testing services are available at four health centres and three hospitals.Prevention of mother to child transmission services are offered at ten health centres and all three hospitals.Youth friendly services where youths from different communities are involved in peer education are offered at five health centres and the chest clinic offers services in management and prevention of tuberculosis.The prevention of mother to child transmission started in 2003 and so far more than 2,000 pregnant women have been tested.Those positive along with their babies have received treatment and eighty six infants have been placed on breast milk substitutes, since the introduction of the PMPCT programme, Armstrong disclosed.Dr Shanti Singh “Do we want to know?” reiterating what was asked by Mr. Basil Benn Director of the Linden care foundation,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, in his opening remarks. Directing her question to several students in the audience, she asked,NFL Jerseys China, rhetorically, “Do we as students want to know more about HIV?”Dr Leslie Ramsammy said he was extremely happy to come to region ten to launch the 2011 National Week of testing. He added that the region has played a significant role in advancing the fight against HIV and in fact plays a pivotal role in the victory being crafted against HIV.“You, my sisters and brothers, should be convinced at this time, and I hope I do not have to persuade you. Together with our sisters and brothers across the country that Guyana will not allow HIV to defeat us.”LINDEN CARE FOUNDATIONIn 2001 The Linden Care Foundation emerged from the Regional Aids Committee, controlled by the Regional Administration, to a non-governmental organization to work in a more dynamic way to deal with the various activities / issues aimed at preventing and reducing the incidences of infection of persons with HIV/AIDS and STI’s from person to person.Since its inception it has managed several projects aimed at sensitizing young people about the dangers of being infected with HIV.It has since expanded its operation to include The Care and Support initiatives for people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. Recently a network of persons living with HIVwas established. The care and support programme has a family centered focus and the care offered is holistic in its approach.Through it s prevention programme the LCF conducts outreach activities in the riverain, mining and logging communities in region 10.

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