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Wholesale Jerseys .According to co-Chair of the RPA/AC Jinnah Rahaman









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發表於 2017-10-16 11:14:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Rice Producers Association/Action Committee (RPA/AC) yesterday said that operational breaches occurred when RPA General Secretary Dharamkumar Seeraj secured a $100M loan from the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB).According to co-Chair of the RPA/AC Jinnah Rahaman, the fact that a loan was ever approved constituted the first breach. Rahaman noted that the Board was not convened back in 2014 to make the decision.Rahaman,Cheap NFL Jerseys Online, who was appointed as a Board Member of the GRDB in July of 2015, noted that the decision to approve the $100M was instead taken by former Agriculture Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, former GRDB General Manager Jagnarine Singh and Seeraj, who at the time was serving as Vice President of the GRDB.Rahaman also described it as a breach of RPA regulations for Seeraj to conduct the negotiations for the funds,China Jerseys NFL Wholesale, as he would have had to receive the approval of the RPA council. He stated that Seeraj, as General Secretary, was an employee of the association and thus not a council official.In an interview with Kaieteur News on Friday, Seeraj confirmed that the transaction had indeed occurred, but stated that it came about through a collective decision between himself,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, Dr. Ramsammy and then GRDB General Manager Jagnarine Singh.The decision, according to the MP, was made in order to assist several farmers who had supplied paddy to the Ruimzeight Rice Processors Inc. but were still waiting to be paid.Seeraj said that the Quality Rice Co-op was formed in the mid-2013 by a group of farmers to sell their paddy.Seeraj stated that the farmers came to the RPA and after consultation with the Ministry of Agriculture and the GRDB,Wholesale China Jerseys, a decision was made to assist the aggrieved farmers with ‘part-payments’ (payments on a percentage basis),Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, with emphasis on the smaller farmers.The RPA, Seeraj stated, was thus used as an intermediary, with the expectation that the money would be repaid when the rice was shipped.He said that as the relationship between the millers and the farmers deteriorated, their situation was further compounded when GRDB’s quality control conducted tests last year and found that the rice being stored was of poor quality.

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