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[遊戲] Nike Roshe Run Women Guyana Labour Union









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發表於 2017-10-16 11:39:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– “Our finding may not find favour with many…” By Abena Rockcliffe Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry (COI) set up to examine the Sugar Industry, Vibert Parvatan, on Tuesday presented the Commission’s findings to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, George Jervis.COI Chairman,Vibert ParvatanJervis collected the report in the absence of Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder, who is said to be in Mexico on Government business.Those present at the handing over ceremony held at the Ministry of Agriculture Boardroom,NFL Jerseys Supply, included Commissioners Professor Clive Thomas,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, John Dow, Joe Alfred, George James, Aslim Singh, Claude Housty, John Piggot and Nowrang Persaud. The only Commissioner absent was Harold Davis who has since returned to the United States of America.The handing over ceremony, which was closed to the media, was also witnessed by Secretary to the Commission, Omadatt Chandan.GuySuCo’s Interim General Managers, Errol Hanoman and Paul Bhim, were also present as was Ministry of Agriculture staff.According to Parvatan,Cheap Jerseys, Jervis thanked the Commission on behalf of his Ministry. He commended the Commissioners for accepting the mandate and applying themselves enthusiastically.Parvatan said that all the Commissioners initially had some trepidation about taking on such an important assignment which attracted vast attention both local and abroad.He thanked his colleagues for their support and their objectivity in seeking a resolution to the crisis in the sugar industry.Parvatan told those who gathered that he is well aware and accepts the harsh reality, that whatever has been recommended will certainly not meet the expectations of all,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Wholesale, “There will be people who are not satisfied.”He reportedly added “I expect that, but I hope the majority will find what is advocated as a positive step in the (local sugar industry’s) scenario.”The Chairman noted that there were political sensitivities to the subject given its importance, relevance and significance to Guyana and its people.Parvatan reportedly took the opportunity to express thanks and appreciation to the many persons who made submissions to the COI.He mentioned Barry Newton, a former Director of Booker Tate; Bigyan Chandra, former Agriculture Director GuySuCo; Mr. Pitan, former Human Resource Director of GuySuCo; Mike Singh, an Economist; Sydney Robinson, former Factory Manager; and Ragnauth, former senior Sugar Technologist former Chairman of DDL,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Dr.Yesu Persaud, current Chairman, Jomal Samaroo, lawyer and financial Analyst Christopher Ram, Businessman Stanley Ming, Economist Rawle Lucas and former GuySuCo Chairman, Vic Ouditt,Wholesale Jerseys,Parvatan yesterday told Kaieteur News that most of the men had similar conclusions even though varying views were expressed.Several technical staff of GuySuCo and most Heads of Department (HoD) also appeared before the Commission. The estates were visited and discussions were held with HoDs.Representatives of the Trade Unions, Guyana Agricultural Workers Union (GAWU), Guyana Labour Union (GLU) and National Association of Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Employees (NAACIE) also appeared before the Commission.Parvatan told Kaieteur News that the report includes an executive summary and the special technical sub committee reports, as well as a section on Human Resources and Industrial Relations, Finance and Economics. There are also sections on factories, fields and marketing.He refused to speak on the actual findings saying that due process has to be followed.Parvatan said that upon Minister Holder’s return, he will examine the report, discuss it with Cabinet and then organize its release.

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