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發表於 2017-10-16 15:10:49 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Tourism Authority will be observing “Restaurant Week” as part of Celebrating Tourism Awareness Month. It is conducting a Restaurant Survey on the public perception on quality,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, services and cleanliness of restaurants in Georgetown.This week has been designated as Restaurant Week and a series of activities have been planned to highlight the importance of food safety. One of the feature activities was an Operations Awareness Talk for restaurants; this was facilitated by Ms. Abiola Baker from the Public Health Department of the Mayor and City Council yesterday, at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC).The Guyana Tourism Authority will target 54 restaurants (fast food,Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys, fine dining and casual dining) for the mystery shop survey; this will be undertaken by the public at various restaurants in and around Georgetown.The Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce and the Guyana Tourism Authority are celebrating the 19th year of observing Tourism Awareness Month (TAM), in November,cheap nfl jerseys online, and have executed a series of educational and entertaining activities over the past two weeks.The month-long calendar of activities, rolled out under the theme ‘Communication and Information Sharing for Tourism Development’  kicked off with the grand launch on October 31 when all of the sector players gathered to usher in this period that will see programmes and projects being facilitated to highlight the growing importance and significance of tourism in the country.The Bartender Cocktail competition did not fail to wow spectators and participants gathered at Hotel Tower on November 8. The winner was Julian Walton representing Spice Garden, who captured the first prize of a trophy donated by Wilderness Explorers and a trip to Caribbean Destination compliments of Demerara Distillers Limited.Taking him to the pinnacle were his cocktails “Flora and Fauna and Kiss the Rainbow”.The second place was awarded to Devon Ramlakhan from Edge with his cocktails “By the Creek and Green House Effect” his trophy was donated by Roraima Group of Companies. He also won a refrigerator, compliments of Courts Guyana Limited.The third prize of a trophy donated by Herdmandston Lodge and a Citizen Wrist watch, compliments of Kings Jewelry World, went to Anil Singh of Gravity Bar with his cocktails “Tropical Fusion and Zero Gravity”.While residents in and around the city were able to enjoy this, hundreds of Guyanese and overseas visitors travelled to the little island of Leguan, in the Essequibo River, for the first ever,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, Leguan Night and Cultural Pageant.Guyana also participated in the World Travel Market (WTM) in London and was represented by the GTA, Wilderness Explorers,Wholesale Jerseys, Dagron Tours, Rupununi Trails and Dadanawa; this event featured influential figures in and around the travel industry who offered the latest insights,cheap jerseys, trends and invaluable knowledge to all who visited World Travel Market 2013. The event took place earlier this month and is one of the leading global travel and trade shows.Over the next two weeks,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, the GTA and sector partners will be staging even more exciting and informative events which include the highly anticipated Tourism Awards Ceremony, Restaurant Week, Crisis Communication Workshop, Bird Watching, Tourism Open Day, the South Rupununi Safari and many more.

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