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Jerseys From China NCN









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發表於 2017-10-16 16:30:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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‘I kept calling Akila, but she just wasn’t responding,’ – survivor By Tusika MartinShe placed her feet up on the engine of the minibus to make herself comfortable as she geared herself for the long drive back to the city, but little did Ravina Gildharie know that it would be the last time she was going to see one of her colleagues alive.Stuck in the hospital for the next six weeks, while having to wait 46 weeks before she can walk again, Gildharie is nursing a broken pelvic bone as she attempts to cope with the constant nightmares that are haunting her memory of Saturday evening’s accident.Ravina Gildharie in happier times She has to be constantly sedated to be able to bear the agonizing pain she feels.The accident, which occurred just after 18:00 hrs, took the lives of National Communications Network (NCN) reporter Akila Jacobs, 23,Jerseys From China, and minibus driver Terrence Tappin.The minibus, BJJ 305, slammed into a moving truck at Amelia’s Ward, Linden.“I was sitting in the front seat of the bus, and Akila told me that she was not feeling so well and had a back ache, and so I gave her my seat. I moved over to the seat next to the driver, but then I was uncomfortable and so I went to the back of the bus,” Gildharie told Kaieteur News from her hospital bed yesterday.Recalling the moments leading up to the incident, the Guyana Times reporter said that she had just called home whilst Jacobs did the same.“I just put the phone down and was looking through the window. The driver was trying to overtake but another vehicle was coming and he swerved in back,” Gildharie said.She said that it does not appear as if the diver knew it was a truck in front of him,Wholesale Jerseys, as there were no reflectors and only one light on that vehicle.With tears streaming down her cheeks, Gildharie said that the next thing she knew was that her feet were in her face and she could not move.Emotionally, she recalled how she called out for Jacobs and her other colleagues in the bus, but there was nothing but silence.“I saw Akila’s head on her hand and I kept calling for her, but she wasn’t responding,” she said.After some moments,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, all the occupants of the bus were assisted and taken to the hospital.“Even at the hospital I kept calling for her. By then I knew that the driver had died.”While being transported in the ambulance, Gildharie said, Jacobs could only groan in response to her calling her name.“I just keep calling for her. I even took off my oxygen mask and give it to the nurse to give her,Authentic NFL Jerseys Cheap, but she died nonetheless,” Gildharie sobbed.Lying in the High Dependency Unit with a 25-lb piece of steel inserted in her right leg all the way from the knee to the pelvic,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, Gildharie cried as she said, “Gosh, she had a baby. It’s so sad. I can’t stop thinking about how young she was and now her daughter doesn’t have a mother.”While she is very grateful that she is alive, Gildharie said, each time she closes her eyes the haunting memories of the accident are visible.“Every time I doze off like I am seeing this truck and everything that happen,” she said.Gildharie’s condition is listed as stable at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GHPC).Also injured in the accident were NCN Radio announcer Morano Isaacs, NCN cameraman Mohamed Nazim, NCN camerawoman June Ann Amsterdam; and Serena Knights, a supervisor at GT&T’s Linden branch.The occupants of the minibus had travelled earlier in the day to Ituni, where GT&T had installed a new cell site.According to reports, the minibus was in the vicinity of Well Road, Amelia’s Ward, when the driver, Terrence Tappin,Jerseys NFL Cheap, lost control of his vehicle and slammed into the back of a moving truck, GJJ 7382, driven by Burchell Thompson.

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