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Nike Shox Women Clearance Lance Carberry









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發表於 2017-10-16 16:52:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Commissioner of Police has challenged the main opposition People’s National Congress Reform to produce evidence of the day to day political direction of his office.In a statement issued yesterday through the force’s Public Relations Officer, John Sauers,China NFL Jerseys, the Commissioner also challenged the PNCR to show evidence of rogue cops working under the current administration who are given political cover.  The PNCR,Cheap Jerseys China, during its most recent press conference, had suggested that Commissioner of Police, Henry Greene, was being politically directed.The party had also questioned the integrity of the Commissioner, pointing to statements that he had made during a press conference at the Ministry of Home Affairs following the fire at the Ministry of Health on Brickdam.  According to the PNCR Chief Whip, Lance Carberry,Nike Air Max Shoes For Women, the party has duly noted the Commissioner’s statements about “persons not liking the government”.“It is statements like these which make the average citizens wonder if the Commissioner of Police is as independent as he ought to be,” Carberry had stated.But according to the release, the Office of the Commissioner of Police wishes to reiterate that the Guyana Police Force is apolitical.The force pointed out that the PNCR has gone to the extent of misrepresenting what was said by the Commissioner at the press conference held at the Ministry of Home Affairs.It explained that the Commissioner, in referring to one of the suspects who had been arrested in connection with the plotting of the fire, indicated to  at least one of the persons whom he recruited that among the reasons for him wanting to cause mayhem,Cheap Jerseys Online, was that he disliked the government.The force said that it has also noted with concern the direct attack on the Commissioner of Police and his senior officers by the People’s National Congress Reform and he is pondering the objective of the party’s statements.  “The Commissioner is calling on the PNCR to explain what it means by ‘independence’ and further to produce the issues which point to the political manipulation in the face of evidence and facts,Cheap Jerseys,” the release stated.The force noted that this act was in operation during the tenure of the PNCR in political office. Further, the force again drew the distinction between information and evidence.“What the force has access to certainly,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, are newspaper reports. The force has sought to acquire any document or documents which are public. However, statements will have to be acquired from those person or persons who have implicated others. It is expected that with the Co-operation of the United States of America we would be able to access those persons in the USA to acquire the necessary evidence so as to proceed legally in an investigation,” the police release explained, adding that the Commissioner of Police is not reluctant to launch any probe nor has it received any instructions to the contrary.

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