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發表於 2017-10-16 16:55:19 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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After being hospitalised for several weeks with an open fractured right tibia (bone which is located below the knee) shot suspected bandit Anif Karim was discharged today from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). According to a police source, they are not sure how many charges will be instituted against the suspect.A visit made to the man on Saturday confirmed that he is in good health and has been responding well to his treatment. He was also still under close police watch.A source close to the investigation,Cheap Jerseys From China, related that ranks are still investigating the robbery that Karim allegedly committed on January 11,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, last, at Phase 1 Republic Park, East Bank Demerara. On that day, the man held up American-based Guyanese Ingrid Brown at knife point and relieved her of her gold chain before making good his escape.The source mentioned that he is very confident that the police will institute an armed robbery charge against Karim, who he described as a well known thief.But the incident had brought out some concern from residents of Norton Street,cheap nfl jerseys, Bagotstown, the village where police shot the suspect,Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, minutes after the robbery,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, who described the man as a very easy going young man who works hard for a living.“This boy don’t get in nobody way, he does work very hard to make ends meet and look what happen to him. This is victimisation,” said a woman, who requested to remain anonymous.From his hospital bed in the Male Surgical Ward, Karim tearfully recounted the event leading up to the shooting. He stated that he had just left home and was sitting under a shed at the corner of Norton Street,Wholesale NBA Jerseys Authentic, Bagotstown when he saw a police van approaching.The suspect mentioned that he along with his friend became scared and decided to run. Karim stated that after the officer caught up with them, they were ordered to “freeze.”According to him, he and his friend both dropped to their knees “begging” for their lives.“We said officers don’t shoot, we ain’t do nothing but he said don’t move or else yall dead”.Despite his friend’s pleas, the officer pumped one bullet into Karim’s foot.With blood flowing from the wound, his friend was forced to fetch him to the patrol vehicle which was parked at the entrance to the community.He was transported to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he underwent immediate surgery. Showing much emotion,Cheap Jerseys, the injured Karim reported that he kept a clean record and tried everything possible to stay away from brushes with the law.“I does work to earn a legal dollar and that night I was just sitting with some friends talking when I was wrongfully shot. God knows I did not do anything…they saying I had a knife but I don’t know nothing about that.”

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