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[IQ題] Cheap NFL Jerseys Store    decision making and problem-solving skills









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According to Annie Kidder, “Creativity is one of the key skills necessary to prosper in the twenty-first century,Cheap Jerseys China, and arts education is one of the best ways to foster creativity and student engagement. It teaches students to express themselves,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys China, work with others and take risks.”The Ministry of Education should once more be congratulated for staging another successful drama festival. Hopefully, this festival will not only highlight the dramatic talents of students but it will serve to awaken an appreciation for this subject.The role that drama plays in the development of the child cannot be over emphasised. A high degree of thinking,NFL Jerseys Cheap, feeling and moving is involved and subsequently aids in the development of skills for allA scene from To Sir with Loveother learning within and outside of schools (transfer of learning).Although drama is a discrete skill and is offered as a subject in secondary schools,Cheap NFL Jerseys, it should also be seen as a medium to enhance cognitive, affective and motor development since it assists in the development of   the use of imagination,Cheap NFL Jerseys 2016,  creative self expression,   decision making and problem-solving skills,     understanding of self and the world,   self confidence, a sense of worth and respect and consideration for others.The move of the ministry to stage drama festivals will encourage schools to take this subject seriously since an avenue will be provided for students to showcase their talents which could lead to a career in this field.It should be noted, however, that the ministry has always placed drama as an area of study on the curriculum since it is well aware that drama can be used as a tool to help students develop life skills.One of the problems that the Ministry faces in this area is the negative attitude of many towards drama. The attitudes of parents,Cheap Jerseys From China Outlet, students and teachers will have an effect on how students approach drama. Many parents view drama as a waste of time and feel that their children’s time will better be untilised if they pursued strictly cognitive activities. Unless they change this attitude and support their children, students will never benefit fully from the programmes provided by the ministry.The Ministry has also recognized that teachers’ attitude towards drama will also affect students’ perception of this subject, thus it focuses on developing a positive attitude among teachers towards this subject through training at the Cyril Potter College of Education as well as continuous training by the Allied Arts Unit.Training focuses on the development of an appreciation for drama as well as teaching methods and learning activities that will encourage students to recognize the value and relevance of what they are learning. It is hoped that this will go a long way towards motivating students to work and to learn effectively.The Head of the Allied Arts Unit pointed out that one of the hurdles faced by the Ministry is the shortage of specialist teachers to teach the arts. While the ministry remains committed to do its best to ensure more teachers are trained to teach this subject, everyone has to play their part.Unless there is a general change in attitude towards arts education, teachers would not choose to specialize in this area. The private sector, the community and other organizations can play a pivotal role in the promotion of arts education by collaborating with the ministry and by supporting its programmes.

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