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Wholesale NFL Jerseys A Partnership for National Unity









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發表於 2017-10-16 18:21:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– OppositionThe Shadow Finance Minister of the political opposition faction, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Carl Greenidge is saying that the Government’s Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira is being malicious with some of her statements.Carl GreenidgeTeixeira in previous media reports had stated that when it comes to the Parliamentary Special Select Committee, the  Opposition has not tabled or submitted a single amendment which points specifically to the parts with which they have a problem.“Teixeira is just being malicious when she makes such remarks. She is trying to portray that we don’t have any proposals for the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill and that is highly inaccurate. We have made our position clear on this matter.  And it needs to be made clear that there is a process in doing this and we are currently still debating that process on whether stakeholders can be present or not at the meetings of the Select Committee. We are discussing the Bill in a systematic way. When we discuss it clause by clause as we get to one where we have a problem, we will table our amendments but we are not at that stage right now,” Greenidge said.The Former Minister of Finance added,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, “When we arrive at that stage where it is required of us to do so then we will submit our proposals and Teixeira should not be spewing a position that suggests otherwise.”He reminded that during the discussions in parliament when consideration was being given to send the Bill back to the Select Committee,Wholesale Jerseys China, he had made it known the areas of the Bill with which the Opposition was concerned with. “We have made this clear to the press on numerous occasions and to the Chief Whip as well.”In addition to this, APNU’s Shadow Minister of Public Works and Telecommunications, Joseph Harmon expressed his unwavering support for the Greenidge’s position.The Member of Parliament said,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, “The Bill that is before the Select Committee is not the same Bill that was before it last year. There were several proposals and recommendations that were added and since that is the case we have to be more cautious. It is important for the members of the general public to understand this and not fall prey to the malicious misconceptions that are being leaked into the media by the Chief Whip.”Gail TeixeiraHe added,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, “Teixeira is well aware of our concerns on the Bill and we have made it clear that while the work will be done,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, we will ensure that is done in a most accurate manner,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, and that can only be done if we follow the process which we have agreed on.”

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