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[IQ題] Wholesale China NFL Jerseys ypzpk2fo









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發表於 2017-10-16 18:22:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Corruption in any country has often affected the rate at which businesses make the decision to invest theirPresident David Grangerhard-earned cash. Guyana is no exception to this. In fact, increasing perceptions of corruption have been identified by the local business community to be a deterring factor when trying to engage in the trade and commerce sector with ease.The David Granger-led administration has acknowledged this, but it intends to demonstrate that it means business when it comes to changing this sorry state of affairs.President Granger has made it clear that he and his coalition team intend to fight corruption. Together,Cheap Jerseys From China, they aim to provide an environment that promotes healthy competition and business development in Guyana. Granger asserts that a number of mechanisms are being put in place to facilitate this.The Head of State made this comment during the weekly talk show,Cheap NBA Jerseys Authentic, ‘The Public Interest’.There he said that apart from the law, his Government has attempted to introduce, promote and appoint persons to office who would ensure that the enterprises are administered in an honest and efficient way.The President said that the coalition administration is reforming the Guyana Police Force, as it has introduced two new agencies – the Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU) and the State Asset Recovery Unit (SARU).Granger explained that SARU deals with the recovery of state assets while SOCU deals with investigating white collar crimes.“We are going to improve our compliance with money laundering legislation and the police force is going to strengthen its fraud squad. So in these ways,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, we expect that there is going to be greater vigilance.”Granger continued, “I would say, under the last administration, corruption was quite pervasive, in the forestry sector, the mining sector and even wildlife. Quite recently, I had a discussion with the Minister of Natural Resources (Raphael Trotman) to ensure that all of these agencies are given enforcement arms so that if a forestry officer, mines officer or revenue officer attempts to be corrupt, it could be detected more quickly,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, and an end could be put to that corruption.”The President said that Government has also made efforts towards strengthening the Police Complaints Authority and the Office of Professional Responsibility, “and even there we had some fraud.”The Head of State added,China NFL Jerseys, “We are tightening up on those organs so that persons in uniform who commit these offences can be brought to justice.”Granger said that it is going to take a bit of time, but his Government is working through the Ministry of Public Security to improve the enforcement arms of the state.The President said that the laws to deal with corruption are there, but with better enforcement it will be curbed. Granger noted, however, that when it comes to corruption, it “takes two to tango.”In this regard,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Granger said that what happens most frequently is that there are corrupt business persons who try to induce members of the Government to do illegal acts.The President, upon this basis, said there is a need to not only show that there is a clean public service,Cheap MLS Jerseys, but to also make sure that businessmen who try to corrupt public servants, police officers, revenue officers etc., are also brought to justice. (Kiana Wilburg)

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