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Wholesale Jerseys China going back to pre-Emancipation times









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發表於 2017-10-16 19:49:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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For the August holidays the Mangrove Action Committee will be offering complementary tours to students who are transported to the center by their parents. These tours will be held on Saturdays and will be conducted from 9:00am to noon.This would be done at the mangrove visitor centre which was commissioned last month to accommodate Guyana’s first Mangrove Visitor Centre.The Mangrove Visitor Centre serves as the focal point for mangrove education and awareness efforts aimed at primary and secondary school students across the coast. The Ministry of Education through the National Centre for Education Resource Development (NCERD) has organized several formal school trips over the past few months and the feedback has been greatly encouraging.The programme will consist of a formal education session on mangrove conservation and management at the center. Afterwards the fully trained village tour guides will take everyone on a tour of the mangrove reserve behind the centre.Some of the historical and natural attractions will consist of a visit to the tiny wooden hut,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, going back to pre-Emancipation times,wholesale nfl jerseys china, where the slaves went to collect their weekly pay; a walk on a sea-side trail past a Dutch koker where the students will learn about the importance of drainage and irrigation to the low lying coastal plain; and the thriving mangrove forest where the students will learn to identify the four different species that are found there.The local guides will also identify the many species of medicinal plants which are used for a variety of ailments. The tour will end at the freshwater wetland filled with tilapia,Cheap Adidas Hockey Jerseys, hassar and patwa and surrounded by many species of birds in the area.Parents who accompany the students will also have an opportunity to purchase local products from the village entrepreneurs who will have their products available for sale at the centre.For those parents who would prefer to have an independent tour arranged this can be done by contacting the community tour guides on telephone numbers: 617 0131 – 617 0219 -673 1128.

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