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[健身] Jerseys NFL Wholesale he had a Luger Tech Submachine gun in his possession









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發表於 2017-10-16 22:49:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A Vryheid’s Lust man was yesterday remanded to prison for allegedly discharging a loaded firearm at a woman.Security guard,Cheap Jerseys From China, Edward Hubert Mc Callum, 35, denied the allegation which stated that on June 5,NFL Jerseys Outlet, he discharged a loaded firearm at Omarette Grant with intent to maim,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, disable or disfigure her.Mc Callum also denied that on June 5, at East La Penitence, he had a Luger Tech Submachine gun in his possession,NFL Jerseys Supply, when he was not the holder of a firearm licence.He will make his next court appearance on June 23.On the day in question, the police were on patrol in the area when they heard gunshots. As a result, the police proceeded in the direction of the sounds. When the police arrived at the scene, they were told by the victim that the defendant fired a gun at her.The lawmen pursued Mc Callum and upon seeing the police he ran away, jumping a fence in the process. He was eventually caught and the firearm was found in a septic tank.Mc Callum’s Attorney, Adrian Thompson, in his bail application told the court that his client knows nothing about the gun. He contended that the gun was never found in the defendant’s possession.Thompson told the court that Grant was being assaulted by her boyfriend and his client came to her rescue.  The Lawyer claimed that Mc Callum had no reason to fire a gun at the woman, since he is a man and could have easily beaten her.He attested that the police have no evidence against his client. He noted that the only item linking his client to the allegation is a statement given by the victim.Meanwhile, Eon Archibald was also remanded to prison on a wounding charge.Particulars of the charge stated that on June 4, at D’Urban Street,Wholesale Jerseys NFL, with the intent to murder, Archibald wounded Dwayne Wallace.Archibald,NFL Jerseys From China, a miner of 91 East LaPenitence Housing Scheme, pleaded not guilty.Police Corporal, Bharat Mangru, objected to bail citing the seriousness of the offence and the fact that Wallace is still hospitalized. He indicated that the victim received injuries to the left side ribs, which punctured his lungs.This matter was adjourned to June 22.

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