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cheap nfl jerseys who was stabbed to death last Saturday at First Street









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發表於 2017-10-16 23:57:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Michael JordanWhile police were hunting for him, the prime suspect in the murder of Clifton Bonus was already behind bars in the Camp Street jail—on another murder charge.Police and prison officials confirmed yesterday that the suspect, Lekraj Fredericks, was remanded to prison last Tuesday for the murder of 22-year-old Vernon Romaldo, who was stabbed to death last Saturday at First Street,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Garden of Eden. Romaldo was reportedly asleep when he was fatally stabbed.It is alleged that Fredericks fled the scene but was apprehended by a community policing group member while walking on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway. He was subsequently charged and remanded.At the time, police had also launched a manhunt for Fredericks,cheap nfl jerseys online, in connection with the murder of Linden resident Clifton Bonus, whose partially decomposed body,Wholesale Jerseys Group, bearing a gunshot wound, was recovered last week from a gully in the vicinity of the old Mackenzie Airport. The two men are in-laws. Bonus had disappeared two Fridays ago, and police subsequently received reports from an alleged eyewitness that he had been slain on a marijuana farm during an argument over marijuana seeds. The victim was buried last Sunday.Kaieteur News understands that investigators were only tipped off a few days ago that the man they were looking for was already in prison.In the meantime,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China, they had already charged a 16-year-old male for Bonus’ murder.“He (Fredericks) is the prime suspect in the shallow grave murder …and we learnt that he had been held in the city. We did not know it was him until we got a photo of him.” He is likely to appear in court shortly for Bonus’ murder.Investigators now believe that the first victim, Vernon Romaldo, had also worked on the Linden marijuana farm on which Bonus was reportedly slain.According to reports,Wholesale Jerseys 2017, Romaldo was found dead in a chair with a gaping wound that left his intestines protruding. A post mortem stated the cause of death as perforation of the spleen and kidney due to a stab woundA police release said that Romaldo and another man were imbibing when an argument broke out, during which Romaldo was stabbed. He was pronounced dead on arrival at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.Relatives of the slain man said that Romaldo was originally from the North West District,Cheap Jerseys NFL China, but left the area some eight years ago.He came out of the interior a few days prior to his death.

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