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Wholesale Jerseys Authentic Repsol









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發表於 2017-10-17 02:37:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Germany-headquartered, RWE Dea, has moved forward into the South American arena by farming-in to the Kanuku licence in GuyanaAccording to a 4-traders.com news report yesterday, RWE Dea has arranged a deal with Repsol Exploración Guyana (Repsol) to farm-in to the Kanuku licence operated by Repsol in the Guyana-Suriname Basin located offshore from the coast of Guyana.Under the agreement,Nike Roshe Run Women, RWE Dea will acquire a 30 per cent share in theGermany-headquartered, RWE Dea, says it has struck a deal with Repsol to explore for oil offshore Guyana.Kanuku licence. After regulatory approvals the Kanuku block will be explored by a consortium formed by Repsol (40 per cent operator), RWE Dea (30%), and Tullow Oil (30 per cent).The licence is located in the prospective Guyana-Suriname Basin, 80 kilometres off the northeastern coast of South America and covers an area of 6,Soccer Jerseys From China,525 square kilometres. Kanuku represents a high potential exploration opportunity with significant prospectivity mainly in Cretaceous strata in water depths ranging from shallow shelf to 200 metres.“This new project in partnership with Repsol and Tullow Oil is another showcase of our strategy of early entry in frontier and emerging basins with volume play potential,” said Hans-Hermann Ecke,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, Senior Vice President New Ventures of RWE Dea AG. “The results of the past exploration activities of our partners show promising signs of hydrocarbons being present in the licence area, and we look forward to the results of the 2D and 3D seismic acquisition campaign currently underway.”The Kanuku licence is among a few that the Government of Guyana is banking on to find oil. With Trinidad, Suriname, Brazil and Venezuela already operating wells, indications are that oil is there. However, two separate wells drilled last year offshore Georgetown and Berbice failed.According to the news report yesterday,nfl jerseys china, the acquisition of 2D and 3D seismic data covering 860 line kilometres and area of approximately 3,200 square kilometres, respectively, was successfully completed in December. After processing the seismic, data will be interpreted together with already existing 3D data with the objective of identifying drillable prospects by the end of 2014.“Based on the findings, a decision will then be taken whether to enter a second exploration phase during which an exploration well would be due to commence.”RWE Dea is already present in the region through its farm-in to Block 52 mid-year in the neighbouring state of Suriname, where together with its partner PETRONAS a 3D seismic survey has been successfully completed in November.RWE Dea AG,Cheap NFL Jerseys, headquartered in Hamburg,NFL Jerseys China, is an international company engaged in the exploration and production of natural gas and crude oil. RWE Dea has stakes in production facilities and concessions in Germany, the UK, Norway, Denmark, Egypt and Algeria.Recently, following a key meeting with exploration companies, Government announced that the next round of drilling will not take place until 2015.

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