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Cheap Authentic Jerseys throughout the Regions









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發表於 2017-10-17 03:53:57 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Two months ago 26 Guyanese doctors completed their studies in Cuba and are now certified to practise medicine in their homeland. In an effort to prepare them for their deployment the Health Ministry has engaged them in continuous medical studies.Minister within the Ministry of Health,NFL Jerseys Clearance, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran, has said that over the past few weeks the doctors have been going through special training and orientation; to make them aware of the statutory documents in Guyana, the line of authority when reporting to the regional officers, structure of the health system and how to approach sensitive health issues.This will be a continuous procedure for other groups of doctors returning to Guyana. In a small group setting they will also receive training in conducting X-rays, ultra-sounds and the use of endoscopy; the non-evasive method of observation and diagnosis.Additionally,Authentic NFL Jerseys Cheap, this group recently concluded training in emergency obstetrics and gynaecology.Dr. Ramsaran emphasized that the Ministry is a learning organisation and health care providers are given the opportunity to continuously up-grade themselves. It not only enhances them professionally,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, but also the capacity of the Ministry in delivering improved services at health facilities.He noted that 20 of the doctors will be assigned to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation,Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, while the others will be stationed to the Mahaicony Hospital; where there is a need for Guyanese doctors to support the Cuban force and provide more services. It is hoped that the Cuban trained Guyanese doctors will replace the Cubans.Previously, the Health Ministry dispatched doctors to the various health centres and hospitals within the regions and over the next few years these doctors will be rotated.The Health Ministry is also providing additional training for medical practitioners in an effort to ensure safe maternity services.Dr. Ramsaran noted that safe motherhood is critical for the Health Ministry and observed that medical practitioners in this field, at all levels, need additional training.As such the Ministry partnered with the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO),Cheap NFL Jerseys China, one of their main technical support partners. Together they rolled out the Alarm training programme; which aims to up-grade practitioners’ skills to effectively address pregnancies, maternal emergencies and ensuring safe motherhood.Importantly,Wholesale China Jerseys, this is one of the Millennium Development Goals which the Government is working towards achieving. He noted that all the hospitals within the regions have the capacity to provide quality maternity services.The Administration has been providing opportunities for Guyanese, throughout the Regions, to receive medical training; with the intention of enhancing the health sector’s capacity to provide quality health care services. (GINA)

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