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發表於 2017-10-17 04:18:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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After appearing in the Georgetown Magistrate Court several times, robbery under arms accused, Ishmael Stewart was yesterday sentenced to four years’ imprisonment.The man was accused of robbing Daniel Ramadin, a taxi driver on July 1, 2011 at North Sophia, of one H.T.C. cellular phone and $7,NFL Jerseys China,000 in cash. Ishmael, since the beginning of the hearing had pleaded not guilty to the charge,Cheap Jerseys From China, but he declared his guilt when brought once again before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrate Court.The court heard that the convict is 28 years old, a father of four children and is the sole breadwinner of his household. He was said to be employed as a mechanic and has been residing at Land of Canaan for nine years. He had no previous convictions.Stewart in an attempt to explain the purpose of his actions, told the court that he changed his plea to guilty because on the day of the incident he had only $320 to his name. He told the court that things were not going well for him financially and that the location he had been going too,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the driver told him the fare was $800.Stewart said that he told Ramadin that he only had the small amount and that the man became abusive,cheap jerseys, swearing angrily. The driver then told the man that he would drive him to the police station and that’s when he grabbed the knife he saw in the vehicle and placed it against the man’s body.“I told him to stop the car,” Stewart said “and I began to run.” The man then asked the court to have mercy on him in handing down the sentence.At the last hearing,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, Daniel Ramadin  told the court that while at the base of the taxi service where he worked , Stewart told him that he needed a car to take him to a particular location. The man subsequently accepted the job and proceeded to take the man to his destination.On arriving there,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Ramadin told the court, the accused had him drive up and down the street several times claiming that he was looking for a specific lot. The man was sitting in the back seat of the car when he drew a weapon and placed it to his head and told him to pass over all his valuables.Ramadin said that Stewart then noticed a group of construction workers a few yards away from the car,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, and thus took away the gun and placed a knife which he drew from his ankle to the man’s waist.He then told me, Ramadin claimed “ I ent gone shoot you in ya head cause people gone hear but ah gone bore ya up”.  The man, fearful for his life, handed over the phone which he said his daughter had bought him for Father’s Day and the cash he had worked for during the day.The man further told the court that after Stewart committed the felony he took off into some nearby bushes. He raised an alarm and workers near the construction site gave chase on foot.The man said that he also took the matter to the nearby police station where officers immediately commenced a searched. They found Stewart emerging from some bushes a few streets away from where the incident had occurred.Stewart on noticing the police took to the bushes once again but was subsequently surrounded and captured by officers.Magistrate Beharry told the man that he was of age to understand right from wrong. She also told the court that she needed to send a strong message to offenders or potential offenders and she was not too keen on the fact that the man had tried to escape from police custody after he was caught. The law upholding woman did mention that the man was remorseful and that he did not wish to waste the courts time. The man was providentially sentenced to four years for the serious crime of robbery under arms.

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