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發表於 2017-10-17 07:06:11 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Every Christian on earth know that a man name Moses part de Red Sea and free de Israelites. We got a Moses who can’t free heself much less any lites.Jagdeo, that scamp, give way all de prime radio station to he Pee Pee Pee party, ee best friend, Babbie,Adidas NHL Jerseys China, Robert sister, who is an American citizen,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, and staunch supporters of heself and de party.Soulja Bai, Rum Jattan, Lil Joe and de present day Moses couldn’t tek it when dem hear wha he do. Dem cuss left,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, right and centre, when dem been in de opposition, and promise to tek back dem radio station. Dem seh all was illegally granted.  Moses stand up and seh he gun deal wid it. Now when dem boys call pun him to deal wid it. Everybody expect de new govt to tek way dem illegally granted licence and redistribute dem in a fair and transparent manner.Instead Moses seh he gun issue more radio licence.De big question here is whether he tek bribe or he really didn’t understand de airwaves in Guyana.Since Jagdeo give away and tek all de prime spots in de radio frequencies, what Moses is really giving to de other people who got to get radio station? Is like a stadium wheh you sell out all de prime seats. De only seats wha lef is de mudflat. That is wha Moses plan to give Kaieteur News, Enrico,Discount NFL Jerseys, Stabroek News, and Sharma, plus Rambarran.First of all de radio ain’t got dem channel wha Moses plan to give out. It mean that de announcers gun be talking and listening to demself because nobody can’t hear dem.As fuh de TV channels,jerseys from china, de last one is illegally occupied by Vish Hook. It ain’t got no more.When it come to de cable, it wuss. None licence ain’t issue yet and still dem don’t have any. Yet Leonard Shadick, de man who tek over from Bibi, tek she name and she wuk; he look like she, wukking like she and even smelling like she, suppose to be independent. Is not dem boys seh suhIs de new govt seh Leonard and he board independent. But dem boys hear de same Leonard Shadick seh if Moses seh lef dem wid de channels, wha dem want he do.Dem boys suggest that Soulja Bai investigate Moses relationship wid some of dem who was granted illegal TV and operating cable business in Guyana.  Soulja Bai must also send home Leonard Shadick. Dem boys want he go home fuh a couple days suh can set he head straight.What dem boys want de world to know, not only Moses and Shadick,Cheap NFL Jerseys, if dem don’t want to grant radio, cable and TV licence to de Waterfalls paper, dem can go shove it wheh Polly shove de nut.Talk half and open you all eyes, bigger that how you use to open dem pun Jagdeo.

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