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[Wii] Nike NFL Jerseys China “They









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發表於 2017-10-17 08:10:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Police Force is investigating three cricketers who have been accused of forging national identification cards in order to enter a competition.The sixth annual Guyana Softball Cup was hosted last week by Guyana Floodlight Softball Cricket Association. This tournament engaged Guyana,Jerseys NFL Cheap, United States of America and Canada.The competition had two categories—an open category and a category that facilitated only players over 45 years old.Kaieteur News understands that one of the teams that participated in the tournament, Fishermen Masters,NFL Jerseys Cheap, was made up of players who did not fit the age requirement. Information reaching this newspaper suggests that at least three of the players were below the age of 45.Another team,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, Regal Masters protested the participation of these players both orally and in writing. Eventually, the players were asked to prove their eligibility. But even after they presented their Identification Cards, others were adamant that mischief was afoot. So,Cheap NFL Jerseys, in addition to requesting the presentation of passports,cheap jerseys, the concerned players snapped photographs of the cards.The matter has since been reported to the police.Kaieteur News understands that two of the accused fraudsters were taken to the Brickdam Police Station. A member of Regal Masters said, “They (the accused) went down (to the station); gave their statements and were allowed to leave. They were supposed to return the following day at 9:00 hours but never showed up. I do know if the police following it up. But I have been advised that they (the accused) were not supposed to be sent away just like that.”Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) sources indicated that the information on the IDs presented to the organizers of the tournament does not correspond to the information that is in the system.  Two of the names could not have been found in the system. However one name, Robert Mohan, does not correspond. The information on his card does not correspond to the information GECOM has for him,Cheap Jerseys, mainly his date of birth.From all indications the police have not gone very far with their investigation and no one is in custody. To confirm what was being related, Kaieteur News contacted Senior Superintendent Calvin Brutus who confirmed that the matter was reported.Brutus said, “There were reports that there were forged Identification Cards presented at a cricket match. I handed the investigation over to the detective and I did not look back to see the progress made. We had arrested the persons and let them out on self-bail. They were to confirm whether this allegation was authentic but I did not check back on it for the week.”

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