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發表於 2017-10-17 08:11:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Dr.  DoobayThree renal failure patients have been identified for free kidney transplant operations,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, an initiative which has been spearheaded by the Doobay Renal Centre Inc. located at Annandale, East Coast Demerara.According to Founder of the facility Dr. Budhendranauth Doobay, the transplant operations which are set for May or June of this year will in fact represent an alliance with the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).Dr. Budhendranauth DoobayHe explained that once all plans remain on track, the surgical operations will be undertaken at the public facility and the surgical team will travel from the McMaster Medical Centre in Canada.“So we are bringing this team from McMaster and they will be coming at their own expense, bringing all the instruments and we will do it at the GPHC if everything is on track.”“Our Transplant Nephrologist came to meet with the GPHC and everything is supposed to be on track to operate on the three patients who will be transplanted on without paying a single cent,” Dr. Doobay said on Wednesday.The Doobay Renal Centre, which opened its doors during the latter part of 2011, has been working in close collaboration with the McMaster Medical Centre. According to Dr. Doobay,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, “all of our patients are connected with people at McMaster through a master plan.”There are currently about 40 patients accessing dialysis and other medical care at the Doobay Centre.Dr. Doobay himself is a vascular surgeon who migrated to Canada some years ago and has established himself there as a reputable medical practitioner. Since forming the local renal centre, which is a registered not-for-profit organisation, he has been returning to render his expert service which is expected to expand with the introduction free kidney transplants.This is arguably the first time that such a high cost operation will be offered free to patients, most of whom can ill-afford to fund the medical care required for their condition.During the latter part of last year, Nephrologist, Azim Gangji, of the McMaster Medical Centre, visited the GPHC to meet with officials to engage talks on the transplantation plans. Himself and other kidney doctors from the Canadian Medical Centre are affiliated with the Renal Centre and have been offering their expertise there on a voluntary basis.Dr. Gangji was the fourth Nephrologist to visit the facility for last year and has been collaborating with the renal centre staffers to provide a subsidized dialysis service which is offered at $9,Cheap NFL Jerseys,000 per session. However, Gangji in an interview with this newspaper said that dialysis is in fact a temporary measure and could be used as a bridge to transplantation.He noted that while the idea of dialysis was viewed as a “big venture” measures have been introduced to take the care of renal failure patients’ one step further. He revealed that realistically, every patient is eligible for transplant and there are no age criteria but rather it is dependent on their health status.Patients undergoing dialysis at the Doobay Renal CentreHe said that often patients on dialysis are concerned about their options and some are even afraid to enquire. At the same time, he said,Wholesale Jerseys, donors may not be aware of the ways they can help their loved ones on dialysis.He noted that efforts are being made to educate patients as well as their relatives,Cheap NHL Jerseys, a move which has already commenced at the Doobay Renal Centre.“This idea of educating will hopefully bring that gap a bit closer and allow the idea of transplantation to really start off,Cheap Jerseys USA,” he speculated.

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