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Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply who is also the investor prior to his vacating –









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發表於 2017-10-17 10:02:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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BTV Channel 2 “ah we TV” will be off air and it is unclear when the station will be resuming its services. The station,nfl jerseys cheap, which is owned by Godfrey Washington, was on Monday vacated by lessee Christian Duncan,Jerseys China Wholesale, owner of Brutal Tracks.The station’s suspension of operations reportedly came after a quarrel over money owed to Washington. Millions are said to have accumulated over a period of three years for unpaid rent and equipment access.Washington had disclosed that an arrangement was made with Duncan where he would have exclusive rights to the business and would be the sole commander of operations. He however said that for the first half of operations, partial payments were made for the use of the station. Following that, payments,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, he said, had stopped completely.Washington even noted that the court had been approached and he was not allowed certain rights to his place since the agreement had provided for the lessee’s total control.Amounts owing from the lessee – who is also the investor prior to his vacating – had been ordered to be paid to the court after a Judge ruled that outstanding monies should be paid over to the station’s owner.Washington said the investor had not honoured agreements which were set out for a long term business venture. That included payments not being made when he was supposed to.Washington said he was not informed that the investor was vacating the building. A month prior to that he said he had served the lessee an eviction notice,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale, but was not told that a move was being made. He said he was however relieved,NFL Jerseys China, feeling “like a cross had been lifted off his shoulder.”Washington said he is disappointed since for the most part,Wholesale Jerseys, the business venture had been made with trust being at the forefront. He said he was unable to say when the station will be up again since he is looking forward to a big and better broadcasting service. While noting that with his last investor it was virtually impossible to make upgrades or improve the station, he asserted that he would be making efforts for an improved station and was optimistic that the next time around he would find a more “honest and professional” person.

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