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NFL Cheap Jerseys at Madewini on the Soesdyke/ Linden Highway.Neesa Gopaul’









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發表於 2017-10-17 10:03:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The preliminary inquiry into the murder of Neesa Gopaul continued yesterday at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court before Acting Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry.Neesa GopaulThere to prosecute the matter was state-appointed Pritima Kissoon.Bharrat Samaroo was yesterday called by Kissoon to give his evidence in the matter.From the witness dock, he related a story about the dumbbells which were allegedly attached to the suitcase in which Neesa Gopaul’s remains were found.Defense counsel Bernard Dos Santos, SC, cross examined Samaroo.At the start of the hearing Gopaul’s lawyer, Vic Puran,cheap jerseys online, was late and the PI proceeded in his absence.After a lengthy cross examination of Samaroo by Senior Counsel Dos Santos,Wholesale Jerseys, Chief Magistrate Beharry adjourned the matter to next Tuesday,Cheap NHL Jerseys, January 25.On the last occasion the late arrival of police witnesses delayed the PI.Magistrate Beharry had ordered the then prosecutor, Assistant Superintendent of Police Robert Tyndall, to have his witnesses present at least one hour prior to her adjourning the court.After the Magistrate returned to the bench, attorney at law Vic Puran who represented the number one accused, Bibi Gopaul, continued his cross examination of Inspector Joel David, one of the 27 witnesses expected to be called to testify in the matter.Jarvis Small and Bibi Gopaul are accused of killing Gopaul’s 16-year-old daughter, Neesa,Jerseys From China, between September 24 and October 2, at Madewini on the Soesdyke/ Linden Highway.Neesa Gopaul’s body was found at the abandoned Emerald Towers Resort,Wholesale Jerseys China, on the Highway on October 2, last. The disfigured corpse was found stuffed in a large suitcase that was dumped into the Madewini Creek. Certain articles found in the suitcase, led to the two defendants being arrested and charged with murder.A length of rope was wrapped around the body and the killer(s) had attached two dumb-bells,holesale NFL Jerseys, weighing more than 80 pounds, to the other end of the rope apparently in an effort to keep the body submerged.

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