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– Heads to decide on rotating candidates for Secretary – GeneralForeign Ministers of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) recently discussed a possible visa waiver for travel within the continent, while reserving a decision on a rotating Secretary General for Heads of Government.The Foreign Ministers discussed these issues when they met in Quito, Ecuador, recently, to celebrate the entry into force of the UNASUR Constitutive Treaty, which was signed in Brazil in May 2008 and required nine ratifications to enter into force.Recognising that free movement of people is central to any integration mechanism, the Council of Foreign Ministers also examined the Agreement for the exemption of visas and the use of Identification Cards, where possible,Cheap Jerseys From China Outlet, for movement within South America.Member States will provide the required specimens to the Depositary State, Brazil, after which the necessary internal processes will commence.With respect to the appointment of a Secretary General to fill the vacancy left by Dr. Kirchner, the Foreign Ministers noted that there were two highly qualified candidates, Dr. Ali Rodrigues   former Energy Minister of Venezuela and Ms. Maria Emma Mejia former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia.According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs here, the Ministers agreed by consensus to propose to the Heads of State and Government that the two year term be shared between the two candidates with Ms. Maria   being appointed for the first year. Heads will have to agree before the appointment is made.In a highly celebratory atmosphere, President Raphael Correa, of Ecuador, laid the first stone for the Permanent Headquarters of UNASUR in the City of Mitad Del Mundo.  The headquarters will be named after the first UNASUR Secretary General, Dr. Nestor Kirchner, who passed away last year September.In their meeting held following the celebrations, Foreign Ministers welcomed the entry into force of the Constitutive Treaty and urged the two remaining countries – Brazil and Paraguay – to ratify the Treaty as soon as possible.During the opening session of the meeting, news reports quoted Ecuador’s Foreign Affairs Minister Ricardo Patino emphasising that the Constitutive Treaty brings together the world’s major food producers, which are represented by democratic governments that left behind dictatorial regimes imposed by foreign interests.“UNASUR is a guide that we cannot lose; it’s the union of republics, of states, of the peoples of South America, and that’s why we’ve put the effort into developing and strengthening this initiative,” said the Ecuadorean Minister.The Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) seeks to develop an integrated political, social, cultural, economic, financial, environmental, and infrastructure space amongst member states.

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