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—to focus on HIV prevention messages and services to key populationThe Ministry of Public Health signed a Memuradum Of Understanding (MOU)(From left to right) Chairperson for the Country Coordinating Mechanism of Guyana, Nicolette Henry, looks on as Permanent Secretary (ag) Ministry of Public Health Trevor Thomas and an Alpha & Omega Representative sign MOU.with Alpha and Omega, which is a Non Governmental Organisation. The MOU will recognise Alpha and Omega as Sub-recipients to the Global Fund HIV Grant.The signing took place at the Department of Culture,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Youth and Sport on Main Street,Thursday. The building also houses the Secretariat for the Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism of Guyana. Minister within the Minister of Education, Nicolette Henry currently sits as the chairperson for the Country Coordinating Mechanism of Guyana.The Minister said that the $28 million made available to the organization, is to aid them in providing support to persons infected or affected with HIV.Henry noted that they are three programmes that the Global Fund provides support to; these are Malaria, TB and HIV.The organization, Henry added, will focus their interventions on Men who have Sex with Men (MSM), Commercial Sex Workers (male and female) and the Transgender population in the coastland regions namely Regions Two, Three, Five, Six and Ten.The interventions are within the ambit of the three main areas for addressing prevention methods among the key populations specifically the female Commercial Sex Workers and MSM.President of Alpha and Omega, Dr. Karen Gordon Boyle, said the aim is to reduce the prevalance of HIV among the key population, Dr. Boyle added that these groups have been targeted because they have been disproportionately affected by HIV, when compared to the general population.The NGO president explained that focus will be on getting HIV prevention messages and services to these vunerable groups.

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