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– says future of mining town in jeopardyPresident Donald Ramotar last night pleaded with Lindeners to return the bauxite mining town to a state of normalcy,Authentic NFL Jerseys Cheap, as the community entered its fourth week of protest actions over electricity tariff hike.In an unusual move, the Head of State issued an open letter to the people of Linden,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, insisting that the government has the mining town at heart, and blaming ‘desperate extremists’ for misleading them.Ramotar also touched briefly on the deaths and injuries to protesters, while expressing his commitment to a Commission of Inquiry into the tragedy.President Donald Ramotar“I am aware of the great hardships and difficulties that you people are facing as a result of the blockading of roads and bridges within your community,Authentic NFL Jerseys Cheap,” the letter stated.“Through no fault of yours,Cheap Jerseys Supply, you are being subject to unnecessary and needless suffering. I also share in your pain and grief and the pain caused by the tragic incidents of July 18 when three of your citizens were killed and many others wounded.“On that infamous day property was also destroyed in arson attacks, leaving many persons without jobs.“I have committed to a comprehensive Commission of Inquiry into these incidents. Work is being finalised so as to have consensus on the terms of reference of the commission and its inquiry. I believe that justice will be achieved.”Ramotar also stated that as President, he has undertaken to have an inclusionary approach to deal with Lindeners’ concerns “including the electricity issue which precipitated the events of July 18,Cheap Jerseys China, last.”“I have put on hold the new electricity tariffs and will appoint a committee to review all dimensions of this issue and to recommend options for a resolution of the problem.”According to Ramotar, the electricity woes Linden now face preceded the PPP/C’s election to office in 1992.“By then the bauxite industry was in dire straits.  In order to remove the financial burdens on the then bauxite company,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the government was forced to assume responsibility for electricity and for the two hospitals. At the time also the price of fuel was below US$20 per barrel. These prices have since increased astronomically, at times peaking as high as US$140 per barrel. It is because of the rise in fuel prices that the subsidy provided for electricity in Linden became unsustainable. As a result changes were necessary.”“The Government never intended to remove the subsidy applied to electricity, and we are not removing the subsidy as was so dishonestly told to you. This was never our intention.”Ramotar stated that Government had proposed a phased programme of reductions of the subsidy, which would have resulted in gradual increases in tariffs in a way that would have avoided hardships. He said that Government had also suggested other models to minimize the impact of the increases on the vulnerable, such as bauxite pensioners.“At the same time we aimed to encourage conservation. All of these things were not told to you because desperate ‘extremists’ wanted to use this issue to promote their personal agenda for power,” Ramotar charged.“The organizers of the blockades are hurting Linden and causing deep suffering to interior communities in Regions 7, 8 and 9. The hurt is not just because of what is happening now, but also its likely effects on the future of Linden.“Jobs of Lindeners are being placed in jeopardy. The call centre in Linden could face closure soon. Bosai is also being hurt. This can but only discourage that company from making the future investments that it had planned, investments that would have rebounded to the benefit of the people of Linden.”“The actions of the extremists are therefore jeopardizing the future of your community. Linden as a destination for future investments is being harmed by what is taking place at present. These actions must be halted before they inflict further harm to the future development of Linden.I therefore urge a restoration to normalcy in the town for an end to unlawful actions.”“Linden has never been neglected by the PPP/C Administrations. You are all, I am sure, well aware of the steps that we have taken over the years to support the community of Linden. We will continue to promote development in Linden.“You have my solemn pledge that my government will never abandon you but will work with you to secure your well-being.”

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