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[原創音樂] Cheap NFL Jerseys Dr. Melissa Ifill and President of UGWU









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發表於 2017-10-17 12:47:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Industrial action at the University of Guyana (UG) is set to commence on Monday. This is according to a joint statement issued by the UG workers’ unions – the University of Guyana Senior Staff Association (UGSSA) and the University of Guyana Workers Union (UGWU).The statement outlines that both Unions have notified Vice Chancellor, Professor Jacob Opadeyi, of the impending industrial action at the University; and went on to advise staff that “the University will be on a sit-in strike from Monday January 26 to Wednesday January 28, 2015.”‘A sit-in’ is a form of industrial action` where employees occupy their assigned positions/offices but refuse to work or perform assigned tasks. This therefore means that staffers,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic, including lecturers, are expected to be present on campus at their desks or in the classrooms, but will not be engaged in teaching and/or providing services.This therefore means that classes at the tertiary institution will be disrupted.The Unions’ statement that was issued yesterday, also served as a means of notifying that the strike action was one that was based upon a decision taken by staff at a joint union meeting on Monday January 19th, to proceed on industrial action,Cheap NFL Jerseys, if there was no positive response to a number of demands outlined by the Unions.“Colleagues I know that none of us takes this action lightly. We are aware of the possible implications of our actions on our students and the University as a whole. Our aim is not to make the students or the University suffer. We are encouraged by public statements that indicate some support for our cause from the UG student leaders. Please help our students to understand that we are simply insisting on better standards and conditions at the University which will be beneficial to them as well,” the joint statement highlighted.The statement, which was signed by Vice President of the UGSSA, Dr. Melissa Ifill and President of UGWU, Bruce Haynes, said that “we have been suffering for a long time from starvation wages and an extremely poor and oftentimes dangerous working environment.”Notwithstanding the fact,nfl jerseys china, that staffers are already grossly underpaid for the work they are already tasked with, it was noted that they are now experiencing a dictatorial administration that seeks to impose even more work and duties. “We have acted in good faith and sought to negotiate with the Administration since May 2012. Just when we appeared to be making slow but somewhat promising progress in our wages and salaries negotiations,Cheap Jerseys, the Council intervened, cancelled a scheduled negotiation meeting and halted the process on the grounds that no remit was given and questioning the credentials of the UGSSA [when the administration was directly responsible for our non-certification],” added the Unions’ statement.This tactic has moreover been described as “simply the latest of a myriad number of excuses we have been given over the past 30 months. It is time we said, ‘enough’!As such, the Unions are calling on all staff members to join in the industrial action as any benefits derived from this process, will be received by all.“Please join us on Monday January 26th between 12-1pm in the Senior Common Room (SCR) as we weigh our options and decide on the way forward. Please be assured that the executives of the two Unions will not embark upon any action without your support and guidance,” the Unions have assured.Attempts to contact the Vice Chancellor yesterday regarding the decision taken by the Unions were futile. However, Professor Opadeyi had earlier this week said that he wasn’t aware of any resolution between the Unions and the University Administration,Cheap Jerseys USA, even after the Unions had threatened industrial action following collapsed salary and other benefit negotiations.Because of this development, the unions – the University of Guyana Senior Staff Association (UGSSA) and the University of Guyana Workers Union (UGWU) – in a strongly worded statement last week said that “we must be prepared to take other drastic steps including shutting the University down if necessary.” The Unions are advocating for a hike in wages and salaries and improvement of other benefits.In a previously publicized statement the Unions disclosed that the Vice Chancellor in a formal response to the Unions’ demands is “woefully inadequate, takes matters no closer to a solution and has therefore been rejected.”It was pointed out too, that contrary to the statement attributed to Professor Opadeyi by an online publication, ”NO concrete salaries and benefits proposal to any category of worker was offered by the Vice Chancellor in response to their demand for a 60 per cent salary increase payable from March 2015.”It was noted that as it relates to salary increases, “the VC makes in his letter absolutely no offer of any percentage. He merely states that “negotiation has to wait until the University Administration has completed its work on how the increase will be funded”.For the VC to create an impression that an increase is somewhere around the corner is a deliberate attempt to deceive. “We repeat: the VC has made no offer to pay any increase to UG workers. There is absolutely no mention of these issues in the VC’s written reply,” added the joint statement.It was also pointed out that the Vice Chancellor has also failed to make an offer on duty free concessions and increased allowances.Further still, it was noted that there has been no withdrawal of the UG Administration’s workload policy from Council although a consultation schedule was proposed, “which we accept,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, under the condition that the policy would not be approved by the University Council prior to the conclusion of consultations and the revision of the document.”Moreover, the Unions said that they will remain united in their approach to salaries and benefits’ negotiations and reject the efforts by the Administration to divide workers by offering to negotiate separately with the UGWU but not the UGSSA.

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