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發表於 2017-10-17 13:02:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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In the presence of representatives from more than 25 countries, the international and regional community had been warned that should there be any Caribbean involvement in terrorist activities, there would be black Guyanese Muslims involved.This warning was issued at an International/Caricom Seminar for Small Business training programme just about five years ago by a Guyanese delegate who had made a study of the structure of Islam in Guyana.The delegate explained to the facilitators of the gathering that he had found that there were a lot of black Muslims in Guyana who could not give account of themselves, and who had been converted in prison.According to the Guyanese delegate, he did not see these persons as being able to co-mingle with the mainstream Islamic community in Guyana in a hurry.  He posited therefore, that there is always going to be a divide in the local Islamic community. “That provides ample ground for radical Islam internationally, to penetrate those in Guyana that are looking for a way out,” the delegate warned.He added that the first time Caribbean nationals are involved in any Muslim terrorist or other plot, Guyanese Muslims would be involved, and that they would come from primarily poor black Muslims.The argument then was that it couldn’t happen,Cheap Jerseys Supply, because Muslims, in even Africa are not prone to ‘terroristic’ behaviour, because it is not consistent with their brand of Islam.The Guyana delegate agreed with this argument, but pointed out that the Muslims in Guyana he spoke about, based on some of the behaviour seen by him, are erratic enough to be bought out by money.Just over two years later, a joint Guyanese/Trinidadian/FBI investigation ended with the arrest of four individuals who plotted to blow up gas lines leading to John F. Kennedy airport in New York. The individuals were US, Guyanese, and Trinidadian.One of the alleged leaders of the plot, Abdul Kadir, is reportedly an acquaintance of Jamaat Al Muslimeen leader Abu Bakr in Trinidad. Members of the group allegedly met with JAM members to obtain support for their plot. Kadir is a former Guyanese parliamentarian.A US Senator stated in a report that same year, that pockets of people in the TBA, Venezuela, and Guyana are ideological, financial, and logistical supporters of terrorist groups in the Middle East.He added that Islamic radicals in the TBA, Guyana, and Trinidad have launched multiple operations in and from the region over the last 20 years. The Senator has advised that the nature of Islam and the outlook of Muslims in Guyana be closely examined.Guyana has been noted carefully by Interpol regarding sightings of Adnan G. El Shukrijumah in 2003, a known al-Qaeda operative. It is believed that he used a Guyanese passport to pass through the region.In April 2004, Muhammed Hassan Abrahemi, an Iranian Shiite cleric affiliated with Guyana’s International Islamic College of Advanced Studies (IICAS) in the capital Georgetown, was abducted by armed assailants. His decomposed body turned up buried in a shallow grave approximately a month later.

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