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As Public Service Announcements (PSA) play a critical role in sensitizing society on issues of gender based violence, it is even more vital for various fragments of the media, to highlight the services available to victims of abuse.Coordinator of Help and Shelter, Margaret Kertzious explained that the media plays a significant role in sensitizing the public to the availability of the hotline counseling services and to the function of the crisis centre.Margaret Kertzious, Help and Shelter CoordinatorKertzious said that a lack of financial support to promote the services of Help and Shelter, has daunted the public response.“In light of all that happening we have not been overwhelmed by responses via our hotline service, but whenever we did PSA via television or radio we have seen more people connect to us for assistance. Whenever our services are exposed to public via the media, people reach out to us much faster; we see a much greater response from the public,” she explained.Help and Shelter, “Guyana’s premier safe house for battered women and children,” has been in operation for more than 18 years. The crisis centre is located on Homestretch Avenue, Georgetown, offers face to face and 24 hours hotline counseling, public education outreach programmes, and referrals to the necessary agencies.“We also offer moral court support to our clients and we have a shelter, where women and children are referred to,China Jerseys Wholesale, based on request to remove from an abusive home or situation.“We provide food, clothing, and shelter and everything is free at the shelter. In fact, all our services are free and confidential,” Ms. Kertzious added.She suggested that a forward approach by the media, to tackle the scourge of violence and abuse in today’s culture.“What we have found is that men and women are not aptly sensitized on the relevant policies of legislative decrees and assistance available to those, who find themselves in abusive situations.   Men often misinterpret 2010 domestic violence act, they believe that it is there to protect the women only, which is not true.”Taking in consideration, the growing statistics on the issues related to domestic violence, Kertzious said that it would be beneficial to the public if newspaper writers,Cheap MLB Jerseys, radio/television announcers and programmers can utilize the airwaves or whatever resources are available to them in an informative way to address the overall misconception on the subject and create awareness on how they can obtain the help they need, she said.“It is not sufficient to wait until something horrible like a murder occurs to report.”Throughout the years,Cheap China Jerseys Authentic, Help and Shelter has provided voluntary services to hundreds of women and children, who suffered physical and psychological abuse by providing safe and adequate accommodation.The shelter can house 48 women and children at a time.Ms. Kertzious told this newspaper that initially each person is given a six-month permit to stay at the shelter. “However it varies. Persons can stay for long periods it just depends on their individual circumstances.”Even as,China Jerseys Cheap, adequate management is needed for the smooth operations of any safe house, Kertzious says that the shelter has security officers, supervisors and managers consigned to the safe house to ensure security and maintain order within the system.“We basically cater for women and children, no males, but there are emergency cases where we have to house teenage boys because it’s a matter of urgency, that they must leave the abusive environments.“We accept them at the safe house but we must make contact with the Childcare and Protection Agency.”Kertzious believes that the Men’s Affairs Bureau managed by the Ministry of Human Services should adapt similar programmes and institution.”Help and Shelter receives $10 million worth of Government subsidy each year, while donations of clothing, food items and basic haberdasheries are made by private commercial organizations.It was founded in 1995 to fight against all types of violence,Cheap Jerseys From China Online, especially domestic, sexual violence, child abuse and most recently, human traffickingThe organization has become a leader in the fight against violence in Guyana and in the provision of services to victims/survivors. Their work is widely recognized.In 2011,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, Help and Shelter was awarded a Medal of Service.

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