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發表於 2017-10-17 19:02:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Violence against women and children is a universal phenomenon that persists in all countries of the world.The perpetrators of that violence are often well known to their victims.Domestic violence, in particular,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, continues to be frighteningly common and is allowed to continue unchecked in too many cases eventually resulting in deaths—deaths that are entirely preventable.Eradicating this form of crime is a serious concern for the Ministry of Home Affairs.On June 11, 2008, when the National Policy on Domestic Violence was launched Minister Clement Rohee was present.He had much to say on the policy and the impact that the policy would eventually have on the country. He highlighted the fact that there were weaknesses in the policing system when examined from the perspective of taking complaints of domestic violence as well as the subsequent follow up that such complaints merit.Almost two years later,Cheap Jerseys China, at his recent briefing on the review of the Ministry for the year 2009, the Minister glossed over one of the challenges faced by the Police Force which was the unsatisfactory treatment of reports of Domestic Violence.The force,Cheap Jerseys From China, which is not running at full steam due to a shortage of ranks, is doing what they can but there is still some work to be done in educating the ranks especially if one considers that the first person with whom a crime victim comes into contact is usually a law enforcement officer. The attitudes of these officers play an important role in determining whether not these victims may be able to overcome their fears long enough to do what is necessary.The precarious psychological state of victims makes it hard for the police to persuade them that to report an incident of abuse, press charges and follow through is absolutely vital.The hesitation of the victims to press charges or taking the abuser to court is also a factor that affects the willingness of the police to commit resources to resolve the issue, especially when there is a high probability that the matter will never reach the courts due to the fear that typifies these complainants.In short,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, the door swings both ways, Police ranks need to be better educated on methods of addressing these cases in terms of the necessary interpersonal skills as well as the professional patience that will allow them to treat each report seriously until they manage to take the one report that gives the state the opportunity to stop the abuse.On the other hand,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, victims need to find the requisite courage to reach out and take the help being offered by the State, if they cannot do it on their own then they can find help at the numerous agencies set up expressly for the purpose of delivering advice and support for those victims of domestic violence.The impact of domestic violence goes beyond the immediate harm caused; it has a traumatic effect on those who experience it as well as those who witness it,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, particularly children. It shames states that fail to prevent it and societies that tolerate it, perpetuating a vicious cycle that can only be broken through a concentrated effort on the part of every sector of society through legal and civil action.

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