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Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping PPP/C









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發表於 2017-10-17 20:17:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…Police called to thwart ‘dangerous campaign’The People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) has condemned A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) for what it calls intimidation and harassment of Guyana Elections Commission officials.The PPP/C stated that it is aware that this campaign has moved from mere Press Statements to picketing and now to targeting of GECOM staffers’ residence and their families.Contacted yesterday Robert Persaud, the PPP/C Campaign Spokesperson, said that the party was in receipt of reports that there were opposition elements harassing officials.Some elements are also being accused of acts of intimidation such as the photographing of officials’ homes among others.Persaud said that the actions will indirectly interfere with the elections process and that the threatening of professionals is not conducive to holding free and fair elections.The police have been informed of the PPP/C reports and the party is encouraging the law enforcement agency and GECOM to take all necessary steps to thwart this dangerous campaign and urge that APNU desist from these threats against professionals.Only recently the PPP/C had cause to call the police to act on complaints that campaign paraphernalia was being vandalized.The party at that time had indicated that it was in receipt of reports that a gang of about three to four persons were in the Kitty area defacing billboards,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, removing posters and scrolls.According to the party,Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, reports further reveal that the group proceeded to a certain part of the East Bank of Demerara where similar acts were conducted.“The group seems very organized,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, limited in number but centrally directed in terms of targeting PPP/C campaign materials. The People’s Progressive Party/Civic wishes to bring to the public’s attention a very disturbing incident and expresses our strongest condemnation against what seems to be a new trend as we proceed closer to the upcoming Election Day,jerseys nfl wholesale, 2011.”The statement continued,NFL Jerseys Outlet, “These forms of advertisements have all been conveying positive messages in keeping with the theme of our campaign and the qualities of our presidential candidate. This is a normal and expected form of campaigning and complements our other forms of advertising via the print and electronic media or the internet including social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.”The party had stated that it considers the damage of the party materials as an act of hooliganism and not befitting the standards that Guyanese deserve and want during this elections period.“Their objection will not help to foster an environment of peaceful, free and fair elections… In fact,Nike Air Max 2018 Womens, it certainly suggests lack of commitment on their part that is short of free, fair and very civil elections.”

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