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NCAA Baseball Jerseys Among those injured were GT&amp









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發表於 2017-10-17 20:20:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Among those injured were GT&T staffer Daun Ellis; the driver of the route 48 minibus, Marvin Benn, 27; his conductor, Nandalall Singh; Travis Knights, 19; Normell Tony,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, 12; Tomeka Reid, 13; Nekeisha Fraser, 17; Kelvin Fletcher, 13; Trevor Bell, 29; Shonette Kellman, 13; Patricia Aaron,Cheap Soccer Jerseys China, 56; Shane London, 16; and Tenisha Chester, 12.While reports are still sketchy as to what really transpired at the intersection, which has traffic lights, an eyewitness said that speeding was the main factor on the part of one of the drivers involved.The eyewitness recounted that the route 48 minibus, BHH 778, was heading west from Homestretch Avenue into South Road and “beat the traffic light”.The other vehicle,Cheap Huarache Shoes For Men, BHH 5996,Nike Roshe Run Online Shop, was heading south from Vlissengen Road onto Cemetery Road. According to the eyewitness,Cheap Jerseys From China, he was in the lineup of vehicles waiting for the traffic light to change when he saw the route 48 minibus speeding past his car.“The traffic light directing traffic on Homestretch was signaling stop and it had exactly 27 seconds more before it change and all I see is this bus speeding through the light and it slam right into the other bus,” the eyewitness recalled.However, one passenger who was in the minibus at the time of the accident said from all indications the brakes of the minibus failed. “We coming down Homestretch and when we near reach the traffic light all I hear is the driving hollering ‘oh s**t, de brakes ain’t working’, and he try to avoid hitting a car but slam into the other minibus.”That passenger was among those treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital and sent away. Other passengers were treated for minor lacerations.The driver of the GT&T contract minibus who was identified as James Hinds escaped without injury,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, while the staffer he was transporting was admitted for observation at a private hospital.

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