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發表於 2017-10-17 22:08:47 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The life of a 63-year-old grandfather, Shindradat Dhanraj called “Derro, was snuffed out on Monday when he was killed by a speeding minibus on the No. 11 Public Road, West Coast Berbice.  The lone passenger in the bus was injured and had to be rushed to the hospital.Shindradat Dhanraj of Lot 179 No 9 village, West Coast Berbice, was a security guard at a baker shop at No.7 village West Coast Berbice and a former cane harvester at the Blairmont Sugar Estate.The man lived with his wife, Moudaleen, and seven grandchildren aged between 21 and four.Kaieteur News understands that the man who would usually work in the night would return home around 05: 00 hrs.He would cycle to Bath Settlement a few miles away to take care of his 87-year-old father, Dougla Basil, who lives at his residence with a grandson.The man had finished taking care of his father and was on his way back home, cycling in an easterly direction towards the direction of Rosignol when he was hit from behind  by the speeding minibus BHH 1502 driven by Roshan Ally,Cheap Jerseys From China, 41, of 44 Blairmont No.1 Settlement .It is understood that the burly Dhanraj was hurled in the air and landed on the road some distance from the impact. His bicycle was a complete wreck.The bus, after striking the man ended in a yard as it turned turtle. Dhanraj was eventually picked up and taken to the Fort Wellington Hospital where he was pronounced dead.His wife was inconsolable.According to his daughter, Renita, she was at home when she got the message that her father was hit by a minibus and was lying on the road. When she arrived on the scene her father was lying in a pool of blood. He had a deep gash on his head.The driver is in custody as investigation continues. A post mortem examination is expected o be performed on the body shortly, while charges are likely to be laid.

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