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[中一] NFL Jerseys Sale and Mursi Brasil Ventures Inc









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發表於 2017-10-17 22:12:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A company director openly campaigned for PPP – Granger The scandalous events unfolding that involves the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Robert Persaud, and Mursi Brasil Ventures Inc, is a matter of concern for all Guyanese, and must be seen as a clear and present danger to our National Security and the preservation not only of the pristine environment of the New River Triangle,Cheap Jerseys Online, but more importantly, the territorial integrity of Guyana.This is according to A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), who yesterday in a public missive,Cheap Sittched Jerseys China, said that the Granting of Permission for Geological and Geophysical Survey (PGGS) to Mursi Brasil Ventures Inc. might seem innocuous on the surface, but a deeper examination of the parties involved makes it even more sinister.Standing next to the Brazilian Governor Jose de Anchieta Junior,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, on the PPP platform is Yucatan Reis.APNU said that it notes that one of the persons listed as a Director of the Company- Mursi Brasil, is Yucatan Reis.According to the party, “One would recall that in the November 8, 2011 issue of the Kaieteur News,Wholesale Baseball Jerseys 2018, a photograph was printed showing the Brazilian Governor of the State of Roraima addressing a People’s Progressive Party (PPP) rally at Lethem- Upper Takatu- Upper Essequibo Region…In that Kaieteur News photograph standing next to the Brazilian Governor Jose de Anchieta Junior, on the PPP platform is Mr. Yucatan Reis.”APNU said, “The question that now springs to mind is whether as an inducement for his support of the PPP campaign was handsomely rewarded with the granting of the PGGS.”The party further said,Nike Jerseys Wholesale Store, “The question also arises as to the involvement (if any) of the Brazilian Governor of the State of Roraima in this nefarious scheme to sell off Guyana.”According to APNU, the PPP’s financial empire and the failure of the Ramotar administration to be open and transparent are now being exposed for all to see.APNU is the latest to come out in condemnation of the permission granted to Mursi Brasil Ventures Inc.Permission granted by Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Persaud, to Muri Brasil Ventures Inc, to survey more than two million hectares of land in Guyana for rare earth elements will pose a border and security threat.According to Financial Analyst, Christopher Ram,Cheap Nike Air Max 97 Shoes, in latest writings points out that the Permission Area is located at the confluence of the Kuyuwini and Essequibo Rivers and is right on the border.“Indeed, Annex A to the permission states that Point C of the area is located approximately three hundred yards from the Brazil Guyana border”.Ram charges that had the Minister done the kind of background research which one associates with such major decisions, he would have recognised that the national policy was against any commercial activity in the area.According to Ram, “National security and territorial integrity could be compromised over a huge swathe of Guyana.”He reminded that the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) voiced its opposition in an earlier attempt under the Cheddi Jagan Administration.He said, “It is to ensure that we are not exposed to such threats – as Robert Persaud’s action now does – that the GDF is given a place on the Board of the Geology and Mines Commission.”He said that the “tragedy is that the law allows Persaud to bypass the GGMC and engage in the kind of recklessness starkly demonstrated by the Muri permission.”Regarding the threats to the security and border that Ram suggested; that could be incurred as a result of the deal inked by Minister Persaud. The financial analyst drew reference to the fact that it has drawn a not particularly friendly reaction from Suriname.In that country, its Deputy Speaker of Parliament is calling for her country to lodge a formal complaint with Guyana.According to Ram, “that will certainly complicate issues even as the bigger question remains the border with Brazil.”He said that Guyanese will now wait to see if President Donald Ramotar will define himself and protect the integrity of the borders of this country.“Decisive action on this issue will give some credibility to his Presidency…If he fails to act now, nothing ever will.”Ram has suggested that, in face of the implications and improprieties, President Ramotar has only one option in this matter.According to Ram, the President must scrap the ‘Permission to survey’ given to the company and relieve Robert Persaud of any ministerial duties.Ram suggested that Persaud’s Ministerial performance has been characterised by some grave lapses and his commitment to responsible governance and accountability is even poorer than Guyana’s.

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