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Wholesale Jerseys Supply Guyana’s MMR was 320 per 100









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– says information outdated Minister of Health, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy has debunked statements emanating from a recent UN report claiming that Guyana has made insufficient progress towards improving maternal health.Dr. Ramsammy stressed that the data utilized to compile the report is outdated owing to the fact that at no time since the early 1990s to 2008 was the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) 270 per 100,000.He asserted that Guyana is on track for the Millennium Development Goal number five (to reach the MMR to about 100 per 100,000 by 2015) although the UN report suggests that Guyana is no longer on track to reach this goal.Dr. Ramsammy stated that previously,Cheap MLB Jerseys, Guyana’s MMR was 320 per 100,000. Based on that Goal,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, for 2015 the goal is under 100. In 2008,China Jerseys, it dropped to 89,China Jerseys NFL, achieving the 2015 goal. Also in 2009, Guyana maintained the 2015 goal but the rate increased to 98 per 100,000.“In 2010 it was 138 but the exact figures have not yet been verified. Remember we need to go through every death certificate in Guyana to make sure we missed no one,” Dr. Ramsammy confirmed.He acknowledged that the increase in the MMR for 2010 was a setback but the health sector is working towards reducing the rate again this year. In fact, “this year we are on track, but we have been unstable and the challenge remains to be more consistent,” Dr. Ramsammy added.Among the numerous deaths in 2010 was Yogita Bissham a young mother who died at the New Amsterdam Hospital while delivering a baby girl.Meanwhile, in 2009, Tricia Winth died at Linden medical facility, Region Ten, six hours after she was admitted and Salima Ram, a patient at the West Demerara Hospital, Region Three, died after being at the facility for 24 hours crying out for excruciating pain.Thus far for 2011, there have been three maternal deaths- two pregnant teens, and a 23 year old woman who took Cytotec two months into her pregnancy died within 32 days at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.In response to claims that Guyana has a high vacancy rate for midwifery and there is the need for more tutors to assist in practical teaching,Wholesale Jerseys, Dr. Ramsammy stated that the Ministry has increased training and owing to that more tutors are needed.“There are 75 midwives who would graduate this year. Obviously the class size has increased. They need to acknowledge efforts made. We have more tutors now than ever before,” Dr. Ramsammy stated.He stressed that Government has been collaborating with PAHO and UNFPA in the training of more than 500 nurses. However, retaining nurses and other medical workers in the field is difficult owing to small remuneration available.Dr. Ramsammy noted that he would like to see health workers’ pay increase but the sector has limited resources that go towards infrastructural development,NFL Jerseys Outlet, salary and other expenses.

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