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[Wii] NFL Jerseys China warning that they will return on Monday









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發表於 2017-10-17 23:20:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A Brazilian gold miner is desperately seeking the assistance of the police following an invasion of his mining camp, by six gunmen who were acting on behalf of a group of local businessmen.Raimundo Malhao’s blood stained clothes tell the story of the beating he received.Brazilian Nide Carneiro Malhao has expressed fear for his life as well as those of his workers after a nine-member gang, including three known local businessmen raided his camp at Puruni, Region Seven at around midday on Sunday and mercilessly beat his brother.Malhao was not at the camp at the time but according to his brother, Raimundo, who was in charge of the camp at the time,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic, the men demanded gold and when he told them that there was none,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the gunmen started to beat him and gun butted him to his head.The gunmen who were armed with high-powered rifles,Wholesale China Jerseys, also threatened to kill Malhao’s employees if they remained on the camp grounds, warning that they will return on Monday (yesterday).Workers at the camp ground recognized three of the men. One of them happens to be the owner of a gold mining operation that was given a cease order by Government,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, while another was identified as a fraud accused who is before the court for allegedly defrauding Mohamed Enterprise of millions of dollars.The third person is a businessman who is also in the mining Industry and who had sold the Brazilian the claim that he is currently working on.The men flew into the area on Sunday via helicopter and took the opportunity to raid the Brazilian owned mining camp when the boss was not around.Police Divisional Commander Ravindradat Budhram said that his ranks received information that a man was beaten in a mining camp. “We have sent in ranks to investigate.”This newspaper was reliably informed that the injured miner was air-dashed to the city,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and is currently being treated at a city hospital.From all indications,cheap jerseys cc, Sunday’s raid stems from a soured deal over the land that is being mined by the Brazilian, which according to reports is rich in gold deposits.The Brazilian camp owner said that he bought four mining blocks for $60M, but only received documents for one of the blocks.The miner said that he is currently working on the block that he legally owns, but said that the businessman who he did business with apparently sold the block to another person.He believes that the attack on him was to scare him off the grounds since “these people were aware that the land has gold.”The matter has been reported to the Bartica Police Station and also at CID Headquarters in Georgetown. The matter will also be reported to the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission as it relates to the land issue.

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