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發表於 2017-10-18 00:34:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…creates Garden for the ChildrenEnriching children’s knowledge in agriculture, botany, food and nutrition are among the many reasons that First Lady, Deolatchmee Ramotar, launched the Garden for the Children of Guyana Initiative.The launching ceremony was held yesterday, on International Children’s Day,Wholesale Air Max Tn, at State House, Main Street. It is anticipated that this initiative will be rolled out across the country.First Lady, Deolatchmee Ramotar,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, gives students a tour of the garden created at State House“On this International Children’s Day, as we celebrate the beauty, creativity and enquiring minds of children,NFL Jerseys Cheap From China, I wish to honour the children of Guyana in a practical way by involving them in an activity that would produce tangible results,” Mrs. Ramotar said.This initiative aims to expose children and stimulate their interest,Cheap Authentic NFL Jersey, from an early age, in botany and agriculture.Citing her personal experience of a germination exercise that led to her children’s interests in Science, Mrs. Ramotar expressed her pleasure in launching this programme. The project has a small demonstration plot located in the compound of State House.She expressed hope that the small garden at State House will become a space where children can interact, share experience, build team spirit and be inspired to cultivate their own small gardens at school and at home.The demonstration plot involves three different methods of cultivation: traditional gardening, hydroponics, and raised-bed gardening.The First Lady recommended that Guyanese continue in the tradition of having kitchen gardens and flowers as a source of sustenance, income, beautification and healthy recreation.“Encouraging our children to cultivate small gardens at home and at school is one way of doing this while allowing them to enjoy the attendant personal, recreational,China Jerseys NFL, health and educational benefits. Children can make good use of their free time engaging in gardening,Wholesale NFL Jerseys,” Mrs. Ramotar stated.According to President Donald Ramotar, there is no nobler task than producing food for human consumption.Ramotar emphasized, “For a very long time many people have looked down on agriculture as a low title type of work and this is why I am happy that my wife has taken this type of initiative because I think we need to bring dignity to every form of work that people do.”He stressed that one of the focal areas for development in Guyana is agriculture. He emphasized that agriculture could be a prosperous business for entrepreneurs.Ramotar pointed out that Science has not left agriculture untouched. Agriculture is being done in scientific and interesting ways, which could ignite children’s imagination to participate in their activity, he added.He asserted that urban children who do not have similar experiences as children living in the countryside would have an opportunity to appreciate nature, their environment and work generally.

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