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As the 2011 campaign trail draws to an end,Cheap Air Jordan Shoes, and with only three days left before Elections Day,NFL Jerseys Outlet, A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) took its rally to Vreed-en-Hoop Stelling Square,Cheap Basketball Jerseys, West Coast  Demerara, last evening.The crowd heard that National Communications Network (NCN) is now the National Criminal Network (NCN) and they heard that the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic is now resorting to bribing people to secure their vote come Monday.Before the large crowd assembled at the Stelling Square,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale China, there were two marching processions- one coming from further along West Coast Demerara and another coming from the West Bank of Demerara.The supporters, clad in APNU-branded paraphernalia, marched alongside trucks draped in APNU banners.Once they all converged at the rally site, Chairperson for the night’s proceedings, Kathleen Armstrong, took to the stage and called on the already hyped up crowd to give the Party leaders a warm welcome.Those who took to the platform to welcome the crowd included Presidential Candidate,Cheap Air Max 90 Shoes, Brigadier General (Rtd), David Granger, his Prime Ministerial Candidate, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine, and Party Executive Member, Basil Williams.Williams urged the mass of people to come out on November 28 and vote for the APNU. He called on the supporters not to be bought by the lies and promises of the ruling PPP/C.“They will want to buy your ID cards,Hank Aaron Braves Throwback Jersey, but do not sell it…it is your right to vote for change. On Monday come out early and vote… it is time we get rid of these people,” he encouraged the crowd. Williams further reminded the gathering that for too long they have been living on promises but APNU has a plan that not only targets a specific group but all Guyanese.Soon after,China Jerseys NFL, Dr. Roopnaraine took to the platform with a loud welcome from the gathering. He first thanked the gathering for coming out in their numbers while asking them to look around and see if there were any “BK trucks and GuySuCo trucks” nearby.“We don’t have to bribe persons to come out to our rallies. I’m sure all of you came out here tonight willingly. This goes to show that they are afraid and that is the tactics they are using.”He added that the ruling party, throughout its campaign, has been peddling lies and slanderous statements in an effort to win votes.“Right now they use NCN, which I now call the National Criminal Network (NCN) to peddle their lies and as soon as you put on the National Criminal Network (NCN) all you seeing is vote foh cup.”He added that the PPP/C has chosen the most perfect person to pedal their lies. “They use a man name Robert Persaud who is the Minister of Agriculture and I believe he is now qualified for the job since all the fertilizer he uses is now getting to his head and he is in turn producing fertile lies about Mr. Granger our leader.”Dr. Roopnaraine also encouraged the APNU supporters not to be bought over by the cash the PPP/C is now ‘throwing around.“They have bought some people and some of the people they bought had to be bought on hire purchase. They have come back to the opposition parties.”He then urged the gathering to maintain the peace throughout the election period and not to be provoked by rumour and attempts at disruption by the ruling party.Brigadier Granger, the Presidential Candidate in his message to the gathering again reminded them of the importance of their vote, come Monday. He then took the opportunity to remind his supporters of his plan to reform the education sector and his plans to create job opportunities to the many unemployed youths.He too urged the gathering not to be compromised by the bribes being offered by the PPP/C and to do the right thing come Election Day.

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