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[足球] Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic President of the Enterprise Road Safety Association









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發表於 2017-10-18 03:01:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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President of the Enterprise Road Safety Association,NFL Jerseys Outlet, Chanderpaul Persaud, is calling for the setting up of a Traffic Hotline similar to the 911 crime hotline,China Jerseys Cheap, to aid in the apprehension of errant road users.According to Persaud this will enable the police to respond quickly to reports of reckless use of the roads when public-spirited persons make reports.Members of the Enterprise Road Safety Association repainting on of the many pedestrian crossings on the Main East Coast Demerara Highway. Persaud made the call during a road signs repainting exercise on the Lower East Coast Demerara, which was undertaken to mark the observance of Road Safety Month and a day after the tragic minibus/truck smash-up which claimed the lives of six persons.The existing traffic hotline is centrally located in the city and according to Persaud this is not adequate,Nike Air Max 95 Sale, since calls to that number will then have to be forwarded to whichever division the report is being made for action to be taken.The current 911 crime hotline is designed to be activated in each police division.Should the traffic hotline system be designed in a similar way,Cheap Authentic NFL Jersey, persons will be able to make direct contact with the Traffic Department in each police division for immediate action.Persaud explained that should a person notice a speeding vehicle somewhere on the East Coast, they should be able to make direct contact with the police in that division who could then respond immediately to help save the lives of other road users.“If GT&T could set up a hotline so that anyone that sees a driver driving recklessly they can call that line and the police will come out and stop that vehicle. We need it in all the regions and the police must respond immediately and apprehend these drivers. These drivers are making this road a battlefield,Cheap NHL Jerseys,” Persaud stated.On Sunday members of the Enterprise Road Safety Association repainted road signs, including pedestrian crossings through their own initiative.This activity has been the custom of the body whenever it sees it necessary.“We always do pedestrian crossing and we will continue to do pedestrian crossing not because of this month. We know that many lives are being snuffed out on the roads and that is why we take time off to do this. All the members of our group are involved,Cheap Soccer Jerseys China,” Persaud said.He also called on other road safety organizations to get on board and assist the police to maintain law and order on the roads.“We cannot accept these road deaths anymore. The drivers have a significant role to play. I think that the police should come out and be very serious with the reckless drivers. These are innocent lives that are being lost. Just because of the mistake of one person these lives are being lost,” Persaud told this newspaper.

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