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-Expresses bafflement at GPA letter to GrangerDirector of Public Information (DPI), Imran Khan,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, is refuting several accusations made by the GuyanaDirector of DPI,Buy Cheap Nike Air Max Shoes,Imran KhanPress Association (GPA), which have pointed to an unhealthy level of interference in the state media.The association,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, which is headed by Chronicle’s Sunday Editor Neil Marks, had written a letter to President David Granger, raising concerns which include the “numerous instances of DPI seeking to dictate content” in the state media.Other concerns raised in the letter were “Ministers complaining of inadequate coverage in state media” and “state media boards being deeply involved in making editorial decisions.” The final concern had been the “hosting of a weekly propaganda caucus by Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo with state media and GINA.”Acknowledging that the aforementioned meetings did occur,Soccer Jerseys Cheap, Khan refuted that the state media personnel were intimidated during the Prime Minister’s weekly meetings. He also stated that the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) has received no complaints from the Board of Directors or management of any state media entity of intimidation or interference.In addition,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, Khan stated that none of the GPA members who attended the meetings had made any objections.“The periodic meetings with state media heads focus on coordinating a schedule of Government events and coverage of same, a practice in place since 1992 and clarification of information regarding government’s policy on a number of matters.”Noting that state media attendees have all commented on the usefulness of the engagements, Khan stated thatHead of GPA,Cheap Jerseys League,Neil Marksreactions from officials, whether positive, negative,Cheap MLB Jerseys, limited or one-sided coverage of government business in the media – both state and private – is routine.“It is not interference to want better and more dissemination of news,” Khan stated in the release. “The Government is baffled by the stance of the GPA to write to the Head of State to politically intervene in matters that ought to have been raised with the competent Board of Directors of the respective state media entities.”“It is competent for the GPA to advise its members to act professionally and to defend standards of journalism but it is another matter for the GPA to call on the Executive to ‘manners’ his Ministers on unsubstantiated allegations.”“The Guyana Government reaffirms its commitment to an open, free and plural media. It is indeed refreshing to witness the re-introduction, in state media, of positive coverage of opposition views and activities and access to the state media by persons who are routinely critical of Government. Press freedom is alive and well in Guyana!”Efforts to make contact with Marks were futile.

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