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發表於 2017-10-18 04:10:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Abena RockcliffeLately, the government has been repeatedly referring to all the “dialogue,NFL Jerseys From China, consultations and disclosures” it had with the joint parliamentary opposition in an attempt to secure the Amaila Falls Hydro Project. On the other hand,Arturo Vidal Jersey, the opposition—more specifically A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)—has stated categorically that its concern about the project is rooted in the irregularities compounded with the unavailability of answers from the government.Carl GreenidgeThe fact that APNU is saying it “doesn’t know” has resulted in Housing Minister,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, Irfaan Ali dubbing the opposition hypocritical. He said that the party “very well knows”. According to Ali, all questions asked by the opposition have been answered.But when contacted yesterday and referred to the Minister’s contention, APNU shadow Minister of Finance Carl Greenidge said that one can enter an exam and answer all the questions, but answering all questions never guarantees a pass. He said that it is all about the answers given.The former Minister said that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) regime has indeed endeavoured to respond to questions posed by the opposition, but the responses given by no means answered the questions.He pointed out that up to now,Adam Shaheen Jersey, the government hasn’t been able to divulge information as it relates to what exactly qualified China Railway for the award of contracts for the Amaila Falls project.According to Greenidge, it is a “fact” that every major project undertaken by the government has irregularities, or a gray area associated with the awarding of contracts.“Every issue has a question mark for the process of awarding contracts. Look at the Skeldon plant for example; also,Wholesale Jerseys China, look at the Specialty Hospital, the biggest irregularity with that was the award of contracts.”Greenidge said that the government hardly awards contracts based on the most experience or the lowest bids, which are some of the pertinent factors considered around the world.According to the former Minister of Finance, “Fip Motilall never built anything let alone a hydro plant”, therefore it is hard to understand why he too was awarded the contract.Greenidge said that another area that is still not clear is the formula to be used for the determination of the price for electricity when it is sourced from the Hydro plant. He noted that “the power purchasing agreement has a formula, but we have so far been unable to reduce the price that follows from that formula.”The APNU member said that it is worrying that even members of the PPP regime apparently don’t know how and by how much the electricity rate will be reduced.“The President said that it will be reduced by 50%, while the Prime Minister said that it will be reduced by 25%. And above all,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) actually told us that it cannot assure that the price of electricity will be reduced.”Greenidge sought to explain that price is the most important as he gave a layman’s example of a shop owner. “A shop owner could only project if his business will be profitable if he knows how much he will be selling his items for.”Greenidge stated that no independent authority has vouched that electricity will be cheaper; “some even suggested that it will be higher”.Asked if he thinks the Amaila Falls project was killed when the opposition voted against the passing of two Bills that were deemed critical to the progress of the project, Greenidge responded in the negative.The Bills voted down were: Hydro Electric Power (Amendment) Bill 2013 and limit on the amount outstanding under the Guarantee of Loans (Public Corporations and Companies) Act. The government has since made some harsh statements indicating that the opposition has killed the project. The president had even dubbed the move political terrorism.However, Greenidge said yesterday that even if those Bills were passed, the IDB can still choose not to fund the project. He said that the government started the project before it prepared a feasibility study, hence there will be problems.Greenidge also noted that the IDB’s due diligence study which will also address the feasibility of the project is not yet finished. According to him, the IDB will not commit to anything until such time of the completion of the due diligence report.Greenidge also told Kaieteur News that if the Government can secure an independent authority to guarantee cheaper electricity, there will no longer be difficulty. He said that everyone in Guyana wants a Hydro project,cheap jerseys, but not for the beauty of it.“No one is concerned about whether it looks prettier than Mona Lisa; it is all about price. Will we get cheaper electricity, will it be higher or will the country invest all that money for citizens to have to pay the same price for electricity?”

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