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發表於 2017-10-18 09:56:19 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Now that the erection of Government’s transmission towers in some communities along the East Coast Demerara is being rejected, consultations will be held from today,NFL Jerseys Outlet, something the Administration should have done in the first instance.This consultation process was initiated by Region Four Chairman, Clement Corlette. It serves to inform residents of Government’s E-governance project under which the transmission towers are being erected.Region Four Chairman, Clement CorletteIn a letter to the Regional Executive Officer,cheap authentic jerseys, Deolall Rooplall,Wholesale MLB Jerseys China, dated April 9, 2013 Corlette requested the usage of certain schools for the community meetings. The meetings are expected to be held from April 11 to April 18. Today’s meeting is to be held at Beterverwagting Secondary School from 16:00hrs.In Beterverwagting the tower is located at the Regional Democratic Council’s Stores Compound, Triumph.Residents’ resentment to the project lies with the locations selected by Government at Plaisance and Triumph/Beterverwagting to erect the towers. The absence of consultations and sensitization has resulted in many unanswered questions and assumptions.Erection of the tower on Plaisance playground attracted protest actions and saw residents clashing with Government Officials.  In Triumph/Beterverwagting the transmission tower is being erected on State property- the Regional Democratic Council’s Stores Compound, Triumph. However, its proximity to houses has residents worried about health risks attached to the tower. In addition, the pile driving phase of construction works has caused distress to some buildings. In fact, one resident complained that one column of her house has visible cracks.According to a Triumph resident,Cheap Air Force 1, Rama Harnarine,Jordan Sneakers Wholesale, she received a letter a few weeks ago from Office of the President informing her that the Government’s E-governance transmission tower would be erected in the compound adjoining her residence.Harnarine said that prior to that letter there was no public consultation and claims that a Senior Government official told her “if consultations were held, the erection of the towers would take four years because everyone would object to something.”The woman said that on Tuesday around 17:30hrs the contractor commenced driving timber piles and continued yesterday. Apparently,Air Max 2018 Shoes, that exercise is over but its effects of cracked columns and possible foundation damage are worrying residents.She compared the vibrations to an earthquake. Her dogs were also scared and are now traumatized.Harnarine said that she related her worries about the transmission tower in terms of her health to the Senior Government official but was told that the tower is not harmful. She does not want the tower near to her house. There are other locations within the Triumph/Beterverwagting area where the tower could be constructed,Wholesale Jerseys, she said.

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