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發表於 2017-10-18 09:59:33 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Women Miners Organization (GWMO) has condemned the Region Eight Education Department for expelling four students from Mahdia school dormitory. These children now have to travel almost 10 miles of rough terrain from the backdam to attend school daily.Camp where the students reside with their mother and siblingsThree of the children are secondary school students and the other is in primary school. According to the children’s mother,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, who has setup camp in the backdam to earn a living,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, the students spent one year in the dormitory and at the beginning of this school term they were asked to leave the facility.The woman disclosed that the reason given for the expulsion was her owning two vehicles,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, which she could use to transport her children to and from school. She said that at no point were her children costing the State since she provided beds and food for them.She noted that her children are safe with her in the backdam but she is concerned about the daily travels since the terrain could be rough,Cheap Jerseys Authentic, especially whenever it rains. The mother of eight said that her children have to wake as early as 04:00 hrs to prepare for school and by the end of the day they are too tired to study.According to the President of GWMO,Keanu Neal Falcons Jersey, Simona Broomes, the school system has failed these children by expelling them from the comfort of the dormitory and exposing them to harsh conditions of the backdam.Broomes said that she is confident that the children’s mother keeps them safe in the backdam but emphasized that the students should not have been removed from the dormitory.She stated,Wholesale China Jerseys, “In most mining communities,China Jerseys Wholesale, parents and children are caught-up in the mining business and neglect education.“Here a parent wants her children to have an education and the education system has rejected them a place.”Broomes noted that there were also reports that the Schools’ Welfare Officer is not proactive in the community. Many wrongdoings occur in the dormitory but nothing is being done to bring order to that facility.She stressed that it is wrong to have one dorm mother in charge of both male and female dormitories which house 54 students.

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